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new jersey superior court

In a major win for trans students, New Jersey court rules against forced outing policies

The pair of rulings came in an environment where Trump and red states are pushing anti-trans policy across the United States.

N.J. Supreme Court to Hear Marriage Equality Case

The state Supreme Court will hear Gov. Chris Christie's 'emergency appeal' of a ruling that same-sex marriages should begin October 21.

Appeal Planned in Dharun Ravi Case

Prosecutors plan to appeal the 30-day jail sentence issued to Dharun Ravi, the former Rutgers University student who spied on his roommate Tyler Clementi before the gay teen took his own life.

'Ex-Gay' Group Could Pay Big Damages in N.J. Suit

While the case has yet to go to trial, a judge today rejected the 'ex-gay' organization's request to limit damages.

WATCH: Lesbian High School Sweethearts Receive Marriage License

Cindy Meneghin and Maureen Kilian have finally won the right to marry in their home state of New Jersey after 40 years together and more than a decade in court battling for marriage equality.

Dharun Ravi Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail

New Jersey Superior Court Judge Glenn Berman said that the defendant acted out of "colossal insensitivity."

Groundbreaking Lawsuit Challenges ExGay Therapy

The Southern Poverty Law Center accuses a New Jersey 'conversion therapy' practice of fraud and deception.

N.J. Lawmakers Fight 'Ex-Gay' Therapy; Will Christie Veto?

Senate President Steve Sweeney said he hopes Governor Chris Christie, who vetoed marriage equality legislation, will support the ban on therapy that seeks to "change" the sexual orientation of minors.


Chris Christie to Fight Judge's Ruling on Marriage Equality

If the ruling is not appealed, same-sex couples in New Jersey can begin to wed October 21.


N.J. Supreme Court Affirms That Conversion Therapy Is Fraud

The N.J. high court declined to hear an appeal of a lower court's ruling against conversion therapy provider JONAH. 

Dharun Ravi's Conviction Overturned in Tyler Clementi Case

Ravi's prosecution under a bias-crime law that has now changed tainted the rest of his trial, an appeals court says. The charge involved webcam spying on Clementi, his gay roommate, who killed himself shortly afterward.

Could New Jersey Pay Damages for Conversion Therapy Victims?

The New Jersey lawsuit could offer new options for those damaged by bogus gay-conversion schemes.

The parent trap

Len Brooks markets himself as a fellow gay man who understands the desire to become a biological father. But some of his clients question whether the surrogacy sage and his agencies are too good to be true.

New Jersey: One More State Goes for Marriage Equality

The New Jersey Supreme Court declines to delay an order for same-sex marriages to begin in the Garden State.