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Dr. Fauci reflects on religion, divisiveness, and the special place gay men have in his life (exclusive)

Fauci credits good genes and the thrill and excitement of his work with keeping him young and still going strong at 83.

Millennials Could Cure HIV — If Only They Had the Resources

Our failure to invest in young researchers is undermining scientific innovation, including an end to AIDS.

Why the NIH Budget Needs Gutting

The National Institutes of Health is wasting money on animal testing, say Dan Mathews and Emily Trunnell of PETA.

HIV Vaccine to Begin Human Trials in 2019

A promising HIV vaccine candidate demonstrated its power by neutralizing HIV strains in animals and is almost ready for human testing.

NIH to HIV-Positive People: 'DROP DEAD'

Thirty-five years of an AIDS epidemic, and there's no cure? That is inexcusable, Larry Kramer tells the National Institutes of Health.

Doctor Who

Lesbian and STI Expert Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo to Succeed Fauci at NIAID

Marrazzo will be the first out member of the LGBTQ+ community to head the institute.