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nude photos

Orville Peck says his mother was ‘gagged’ by 'completely naked' Paper photo shoot

The country crooner opened up about the experience earlier this week at the Out100.

Katie Hill Sues Ex-Husband, Media Outlets That Published Nude Photos

The bisexual former congresswoman alleged horrific abuse by her ex-husband.

Marine Corps' Nude Photo Sharing Scandal Expands to Include Gay Porn Sites

A scandal that began with hundreds of Marines caught sharing nude photos of fellow female servicemembers on social media has expanded to include sharing of photos of males servicemembers on gay porn sites. 

Randy Does Andy

Queer as Folk's Randy Harrison discusses his new role as late art legend Andy Warhol in Yale Rep's POP! and his own status as a reluctant "post-gay" pop icon -- plus his secret nude photos and the possibility of a QAF reunion.

Are We at the Dick Pic Tipping Point?

It's time to end the shame and anxiety over naked selfies. Jeff Bezos may have helped us do just that.

Former Rep. Katie Hill to Matt Gaetz: Take My Name Out of Your Mouth

Gaetz, the disgraced Florida congressman, has repeatedly invoked Hill's name, comparing her sex scandal to his.

Revenge Porn Is Finally Illegal Under Navy and Marine Corps Law

A military regulation went into effect this week that bans sharing of nude photos without consent. 

Saudi Arabia Just Jailed Another Gay Man

A Saudi man has been given a sentence of three years in prison, plus a hefty fine for posting nude photos of himself on social media.

Comedian Leslie Jones Victim of Revenge Porn Hack

Jones had recently been subjected to intense racist and sexist cyberbullying surrounding the release of her recent movie Ghostbusters. 


10 Cheeky and Homoerotic Photos From Bob Mizer's Nude Films

The Bob Mizer Foundation raised tens of thousands of dollars recently to digitize Mizer's films. Mizer often highlighted the male physique in his homoerotic photos and films.

Jeff Bezos Accuses 'National Enquirer' of Blackmail Over Nude Photos

The world's richest man says the Trump-aligned tabloid attempted "extortion and blackmail" by threatening to release intimate photos of him.

GOP Lt. Governor Admits to Complimenting Nearly Nude Photos of Gay Man

Randy McNally, 79, says he just wanted to encourage the young man.

Teacher Used Grindr to Sext His Students, Police Say

The teacher faces multiple charges for allegedly sending nude photos and arranging sex with minors.

Censorship: The Big Chill

Paul Reubens: arrested for collecting vintage nude photos. Howard Stern: silenced for on-air speech. How a nationwide crackdown on "obscenity" could freeze out gay and lesbian expression for years to come

POLL: Have Melania's 'Girl-on-Girl' Photos Swayed LGBT Voters?

Let's test Rush Limbaugh's assertion that Trump's nude photographs "might wrap up the LGBT vote."

Catfishing, Outing, Leaked Pics: Gay Online Life in Guatemala

A culture of severe social media bullying is shaking this nation's vulnerable queer community.