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pacific islanders

Glenn Magpantay Is One of the Most Powerful Asian American Gay Men in the Nation

Now advising President Biden and Congress, Magpantay is helping America live up to its promise.

The Startling Impact of Family Acceptance on AAPI LGBTQ+ Youth

Parental acceptance of queer Asian and Pacific Islander children can be life-saving.

ICE Has Finally Released a Trans Man From Solitary Confinement

Thanks to help from the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, Chin will no longer have to suffer the cruelty of solitary confinement.

LGBT Asian-American groups protest immigration reform

As Congress reconvenes this week after its spring recess, Senate majority leader Bill Frist, House speaker Dennis Hastert, and President Bush were put on notice by a coalition of LGBT Asian-American groups--led by the Gay Asian and Pacific Islander Men of New York--that the immigration reform bill currently pending is largely unacceptable.

The Status of Marriage in the U.S. Territories

Aside from Southern officials hindering licenses, marriage equality is happening in all 50 states. But what about Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa?

As Beijing Hosts the Olympics, LGBTQ+ Rights in Asia Remain Dismal

The Beijing Games will portray a rosy picture of life, but the reality is much different for millions of queer Asians and Pacific Islanders.

LGBTQ People Must Condemn Violence Against Asian-Americans

Asian-Pacific Islanders are facing bigotry related to the current health crisis, and we must stand up for them, Emmett Schelling writes.

Affirmative Action Helped Me Succeed as a Gay Asian-American

Glenn D. Magpantay, the executive director of the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, says affirmative action helped course correct years of discrimination. 

How Queer Asians Can Be Good Allies to Black Brothers and Sisters

A plea for LGBTQ Asians to stand in solidarity with the queer Black community.

The Plight of an Asian Trans Man in Georgia Embodies ICE's Cruelty

Activists demand a prisoner be freed from the solitary confinement he's been held in for 15 months.

Smallest Nation on Earth Now Has Marriage Equality

A gay wedding may be in store for this country of 56 people.

New Resource Launched for Asian and Pacific Islander LGBT Youth and Their Parents

A new website from API Equality-LA aims to help the Asian and Pacific Islander community overcome barriers to accepting LGBT youth.

The Muslim Ban Is Hurting LGBT People, Not Helping Them

Trump's reckless order put lives at risk, writes Sasha W. of the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance.

Crazy Queer Asians: We're at the LGBTQ Asian Conference!

The Advocate's Ashley Jiang and Monica Rodman take you to the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Conference in San Francisco.

This Ad Campaign on Being Asian and LGBT Is Overdue

The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance shows us all how we can be more accepting with its groundbreaking new PSA campaign.

The Olympics Proves Asians Aren't Just 'Mathletes'

Out athletes like Julie Wu Chu are upending stereotypes, but the Olympics should also be a wake-up call to the dearth of LGBT protections throughout Asia.

Why Can't Prince Charming's True Love Be Asian?

Lamenting another lost opportunity to showcase queer Asian men.
