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parent test

Parent Test Returns to Talk About Uncomfortable Conversations with Kids

Watch an exclusive featurette from the groundbreaking show.

Kids of Same-Sex Parents Perform Better Academically, Study Says

Same-sex couples must be intentional about having kids, which may contribute to the differences in academic outcomes.

Will SCOTUS Allow Homophobia to Exacerbate the Foster Care Crisis?

Taking public funds while discriminating against LGBTQ parents and putting kids at risk is not "religious freedom."

Chronicling the LGBT Familes Who Used the Court System for Change

Author Carlos A. Ball chronicles the stories of LGBT parents who have fundamentally changed how American law defines and regulates parenthood in this excerpt from The Right to Be Parents: LGBT Families and the Transformation of Parenthood.

The art of loving Switzerland

The Swiss adage "es stimmt" means, roughly, "it fits." When an Advocate editor goes in search of artistic and architectural delights--and maybe a gay Swiss miss or two--she indeed finds "es stimmt." What better recommendation for a travel destination?

Gay Dads Hope to Make A Difference on ABC's 'The Parent Test'

Yan Dekel and Alex Maghen, who host Daddy Squared: The Gay Dads Podcast, found they had more in common with straight parents than they thought.

Researcher: House's DOMA Legal Team Interprets My Findings Differently

The Texas study has been widely challenged. And the author of a second study cited on same-sex parents says his findings are being interpreted by the House's lawyers somewhat differently than he would.

Trial Begins in Michigan Marriage Case

'We would like this to be the last trial in America where same-sex couples have to defend themselves,' says the attorney for the couple challenging Michigan's anti-marriage equality law.

Advice on the Sex Etiquette of STDs

On the heels of the International HIV/AIDS Conference, Mr. Manners answers your top questions about sex etiquette when it comes HIV and other STDs.

Perez Hilton Pink on the Inside

Now releasing a children's book, The Boy With Pink Hair, the new man behind the controversial brand explains why he's a great role model for kids -- even if he'll never be Neil Patrick Harris.

Gay Couple Must Return Surrogate Child

The couple had cared for the baby for a month before finding out she is not their child.

WATCH: Lesbian-Tested Advice for Same-Sex Parents

Brandy Black and wife Susan break down the must-knows for those who are ready to take the leap or already have.

It Does Make LGBT Parents a Little Crazy to Come Out All the Time

Parents in two-mom and two-dad families have to find ways to mention it -- repeatedly.

WATCH: Tony Perkins Lies to CNN in Row Over Boy Scouts

The president of the Family Research Council falsely claims he and his organization have never alleged that gay people are more likely to be pedophiles.

Texas Moms' Group Seeks to Take Down Anti-LGBTQ+ Gov. Greg Abbott

Mothers Against Greg Abbott, in an ad that has gone viral, denounces the governor's anti-LGBTQ+, antichoice, and pro-gun policies.

Op-ed: Rethinking the Shame Game Against Homophobes

Is it time for LGBTs to turn the other cheek?

More Than 50 of Our Favorite LGBTQ+ Moms

Our community's out moms could use some more visibility — and a big thank you too.