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All about the nation's first gay rights group, the Society for Human Rights, founded 100 years ago

Founder Henry Gerber is a significant figure in LGBTQ+ history, but not enough people know his story.

P!nk's Powerful Speech to Her Daughter Highlights the Beauty of Nonconformity

The singer's speech about being true to oneself proved why she deserved an award for trailblazers. 

10 films showcasing the greatness of bi Hollywood icon Montgomery Clift

The bisexual actor was one of the best and most beautiful of mid-20th-century Hollywood.

After the 2024 election, we can be inspired by these historical LGBTQ+ movements against oppression

Amid the trauma and disappointment of the election results, we take a look at queer resistance over the past century

Take a Tour of the Nation's Historic LGBT Landmarks

Take a virtual tour of the sites where Truman Capote, Bayard Rustin, the Furies Collective, and more made LGBT history.