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pedophilia conspiracy

Republican Mark Robinson says ‘wickedness’ of marriage equality will lead to pedophilia as ’next human right’

He made the anti-LGBTQ+ comments during sermons at churches. It's not the first time he's made such bigoted remarks.

Gay Former Top Twitter Official in Hiding Amid Attacks From Elon Musk

The former head of trust and safety at Twitter, Yoel Roth, had been targeted by Musk in recent days.

Mueller Target, Trump Pal Jerome Corsi Claimed Obama Was Gay

The far-right conspiracy-monger has likened same-sex marriage to pedophilia and bestiality, among many other incendiary statements.

Twitter Troll Steals Gay Couple's Picture for Pro-Pedophilia Tweets

The Twitter user, who promoted the debunked idea that LGBTQ people are likely to abuse children, finally saw his account suspended Thursday.

How Barack Obama's Sexuality Became a News Topic in 2023: Report

A 1982 letter and unsupported claims have stoked speculative fires among conservative circles about Obama.

Antigay Reality Star Pardoned by Trump Challenges Rep. John Lewis

Angela Stanton-King, running against the civil rights icon, has said that supporting young people's LGBTQ identity amounts to pedophilia.

Anti-LGBTQ+ QAnon Follower Wins Georgia Congressional Runoff

Marjorie Taylor Greene has protested drag queen story hours and pushes conspiracy theories about government officials being Satanist child molesters.


Trump Nominee Sam Clovis Links Marriage Equality to Pedophilia

And he's a birther and a climate change denier, yet he's nominated to be the Department of Agriculture's top scientist.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Democrats 'The Party of Pedophiles'

Greene added that Republican supporters of President Biden's Supreme Court nominee are "pro-pedophile" too.

Florida Pol Cuts Off Man Who Associates LGBTQ People With Pedophiles

Republican Rep. Travis Cummings shut down Florida gadfly Greg Pound's homophobic remarks at a committee hearing.

Gay Lawmaker Threatened, Called Pedophile Over Sex Offender Bill

California Sen. Scott Wiener's bill would equalize how the law treats various sex acts, but he's being called a criminal for it.

George Santos pulls out of New York congressional race

The disgraced former U.S. representative said he was worried that his run as an independent would split the Republican vote and give Democrats a House majority — and he claimed anti-Semitism is widespread among Dems.

Anti-Trans Protest at LA Spa Turns Violent, Police Fire Rubber Bullets

Right-wing protesters chanted transphobic slogans and even pushed a journalist to the ground. 

Doug Jones Certified as Alabama Senator Despite Roy Moore's Call for New Election

Moore had filed a complaint late Wednesday alleging voter fraud, with support from "experts" including a Holocaust denier.

Pope Calls Critics of the Catholic Church 'Friends of the Devil'

The Pontiff's statement ahead of the church's summit on sexual abuse coincided with a letter from cardinals that blamed the abuse on homosexuality. 

Mike Johnson Laments the Number of Queer Kids in GOP Fundraising Email

Johnson had made a similar statement in an interview with a right-wing activist shortly before he became House speaker.

Roy Moore Sues Sacha Baron Cohen, Says He Defamed Him as a Pedophile

The homophobic former judge and accused pedophile has sued Cohen over a segment on the TV show Who Is America?

Marjorie Taylor Greene Hires Milo Yiannopoulos as Congressional Intern

The right-wing gay troll turned "ex-gay" is now working with the anti-LGBTQ+ congresswoman.

Hillary Clinton: 'Fake News Epidemic' Is a Danger to the American Public

The former Democratic nominee railed on the spread of propaganda on social media during a post-election speech.

Roy Moore Blames LGBT People and Socialists for Troubles, Gets Heckled

Two men in an Alabama church audience, including comic Tony Barbieri, confronted Moore Wednesday night.

Lucian Wintrich Claims He's Victim of Homophobic Assault at White House

The gay, alt-right writer's version of what happened hasn't been supported by witnesses.
