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Donald Trump's policies are making our kids dumber, sicker, meaner, and scared

Opinion: Trump has never seemed to be a fan of children, and his egregious actions towards them prove that targeting kids is part of his grand retribution tour, writes John Casey.

Boston Nonprofit Opens Doors for Marginalized Students Seeking Advanced Degrees

Leadership Brainery looks to provide resources and connections for marginalized communities to gain access to higher education.

This Is How a Supposedly Radical Lesbian Wins in Congress

Tammy Baldwin was called a "radical lesbian" in her quest for a seat in the U.S. Senate. Turns out Wisconsin voters didn't take the bait.


Black LGBTQ+ Students to Suffer After SCOTUS Strikes Down Affirmative Action

The elimination of affirmative action in admissions decisions will have (un)intended consequences, say critics.

Letters to President-elect Obama: Jorge Valencia

Open letters from 26 gay men and lesbians.

Airman Discharged Under DADT to be Honored at Inauguration

David Hall, an Airman and ROTC cadet who was discharged under "don't ask, don't tell" will be honored by the president's inauguration committee.

LGBT College Dems Leader: It's Still About Youth

The president of College Democrats of America is a Latina LGBT law student for Obama.

The Census Is Messy, But LGBTQ Lives Depend on It

Glenn D. Magpantay has many reservations about the census, but he won't make perfect the enemy of good.