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pennsylvania family institute

Pennsylvania schools are putting in windows in gender-inclusive restrooms so teachers can monitor students

The South Western School District is drawing much criticism for the plan, taken on the advice of a right-wing law firm.

Pennsylvania Gays Rock the Dome

Hundreds of LGBT Pennsylvanians gathered Tuesday at the state capitol to demand passage of a bill that would bar discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment, housing, and accommodations.

When It Comes to Sex, the Catholic Church Has Lost All Credibility

What the church's horrific child abuse scandal means for lawmakers and LGBTQ Catholics.

Pennsylvania race between Casey and Santorum centers on religion

A tightening race for a U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania is heating up as Bob Casey and Rick Santorum appeal to Catholics and evangelicals.

Mixed Results for LGBTQ+ Pols in Pennsylvania Primary — Plus a First

State Reps. Malcolm Kenyatta and Brian Sims didn't win bids for higher office, but Kenyatta will stay in the legislature and may be joined by the state's first nonbinary lawmaker.


WATCH: Santorum Thinks 'People Aren't Getting Married'

The antigay GOP presidential candidate babbled his way through an interview question Sunday when challenged about whether same-sex couples can raise happy, healthy kids.

Discover the 30 Most LGBTQ-Friendly Colleges and Universities in the U.S.

Were you surprised by any colleges or universities on the list?

Half The Country's AGs Ask SCOTUS to Rule on Marriage

Attorneys general from 32 states filed briefs Friday asking the U.S. Supreme Court to issue a definitive ruling on marriage equality.

Ireland's Gay Leader Blasts Catholic Church—in Front of Pope

While the pontiff looked on, Leo Varadkar highlighted the Church's abuses and highlighted how Ireland has embraced modernity.

Pa. School Won't Let Trans Teen Run for Homecoming King

Members of the Richland School District board did not grant Kasey Caron's request to be listed on the male ballot for homecoming king at his high school, despite Caron's proof of legal gender change.