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Milton, please spare the Don Cesar, a place that holds bittersweet memories for a gay man

John Casey writes that he first visited St. Petersburg's historic hotel as a teen struggling mightily with his sexuality, but he returned as an out gay man to a same-sex wedding.

When an Icon Dies

Celebrity deaths often give us pause to think about our own lives.

MLB Crowd Cheers for Gay Couple's Engagement

The crowd cheered for the proposal between men that happened during a Washington Nationals Game.

MLB to Strengthen Anti-Discrimination Policy

Enhancements will soon be made to Major League Baseball's policy preventing discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The Super Bowl Was Gayer Than Ever, But Still Isn't Gay-Friendly

Advertisers and the NFL offer more inclusion, but the big game still has a long way to go. 

Will David Geffen Take Over The LA Clippers?

Gay media mogul David Geffen was interested in purchasing the team in 2010, and now another chance at ownership is on the table.

Baseball as a First Love on the Way to Gay Self-Love

The characters from the series A League of Their Own and recently out pitcher Solomon Bates show the power of baseball as a lifelong love.

Sports, Slurs, and Homophobia: An American Tradition

For decades, "fag" has been ubiquitous on bleachers, in dugouts, and within locker rooms. Hockey player Brock Weston wants change.

Rep. Marie Newman on Her Victory Against Marjorie Taylor Greene

"When bullies know that they are wrong, they dig in, then they act like the victim, and then they dig in even further."

Tommy Lasorda's Legacy Includes Silence Over HIV and His Gay Son

One of the most famous figures in sports sadly perpetuated a culture of shame.

MLB Is Laying the Groundwork for Its First Out Player

Billy Bean and Major League Baseball are not just going purple for Spirit Day, but going to bat for queer kids all year long.

Steve Garvey and when a childhood idol becomes the lesser man

Fifty years ago, Garvey became a superstar and a personal hero, and 50 years later he is a major disappointment.

Democrats have treated Joe Biden just as bad as Robert Hur and Marjorie Taylor Greene have

OK, he’s old, and he gets it, but “Pops” Biden has what it takes to lead us to victory in November, and we need to stop complaining about him – now!

Why Billy Bean will always be a hero to this lifelong gay baseball fan

Bean, a gay former Major League Baseball player and executive died yesterday at the age of 60.

A Day In Gay America 2011

Our second annual reader-generated photo project is incontrovertible proof that we are everywhere.

Get to Know Pro Baseball's Gay Pioneers

Don't think baseball's so gay? Think again.

Year In Review 2012: 25 Most Notable Comings Out

Thousands of LGBT folks no doubt came out this year, but we had our eyes on the handful who helped push visibility in the worlds of entertainment, politics, and athletics.

Super Bowl Sunday

Some useful knowledge for the big football bash -- but bring a good hors d'oeuvre just to be safe.

Tennessee Worse Than Texas? Rep. Gloria Johnson on Her State’s Spiral

Once given a closet as an office by GOP leadership, and with a target still on her back, Johnson refuses to stop fighting for what's right.