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policy enforcement

Meta has guidelines to protect against anti-trans content. GLAAD says the company is ignoring them

The social media company has failed to protect LGBTQ+ users from bigoted harassment, GLAAD says.

Griner: Baylor Coach Enforced Closet Policy

Officials at the Baptist university once asked Griner to remove a tweet referring to her sexual orientation.

Study: LGBT-Affirming Schools Yield Lower Suicide Rates

A new study shows that both LGBT and straight students benefit greatly from GSAs and schools that enforce their antidiscrimination policies.

22 GOP Attorneys General Sue USDA Over LGBTQ+ Non-Discrimination

The Republican attorneys general are suing the Biden-Harris administration for enforcing antidiscrimination policies in its school lunch program.

Spoutible joins Discord & Post to safeguard LGBTQ+ users, forbids misgendering and deadnaming

The social media platform announced a comprehensive policy update focused on protecting transgender individuals, enforcing strict measures against misgendering and deadnaming.

Libs of TikTok, other right-wingers lose it after X reinstates bans on misgendering, deadnaming trans people

Advocacy groups say the quiet policy change and weak enforcement mechanisms leave a lot to be desired for the safety of users on the platform formerly called Twitter.

UNC Has No Idea How to Enforce Bathroom Laws

The university announced it will abide by the state's anti-LGBT law, requiring trans students to use bathrooms that don't match their gender identity. But how will that policy be enforced? 

School Suspends Students For Long Hair — Judge Intervenes

Magnolia Independent School District is being sued over a policy requiring short hair for boys but not girls.

No More Unfulfilled Promises: Biden Must Show Up for LGBTQ+ Immigrants

This administration can't just half-heartedly fix what Trump broke; it must do better for undocumented people.

Let's Not Pretend: Walmart Is Still Hostile to LGBT Workers

The Human Rights Campaign finally acknowledged the retail giant is not treating its employees -- including LGBT employees -- humanely. Jerame Davis says HRC should have made this point much sooner.

Discord Now Explicitly Bans Misgendering and Deadnaming Transgender People on the Platform

Looks like transphobes aren't going to be spewing their hate on Discord anytime soon.

GLAAD: Social Media Platforms Are Failing to Keep LGBTQ+ Users Safe

GLAAD's second annual Social Media Safety index finds five major platforms wanting.

The FDAs Lesser Known Insult is a Ban on Gay Sperm Donors

The FDA not only bans gay and bi men from giving blood, they actively discourage them from donating sperm. Will the agency ever change its ways?

Harvard will cooperate with U.S. military

Reversing a decision made last year, Harvard Law School will fully cooperate with Pentagon recruiters this fall as it awaits a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of a law requiring schools to open their doors to the military.

eBay Bans Explicit Content, LGBTQ+ Historians Ring Alarm

Activists fear the prohibition will lead to a loss of queer history, particularly for the leather community.

Conversion therapy content is being banned by social media companies thanks to the work of LGBTQ+ group

Promoting the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy now violates several companies’ content policies. Some companies say it's thanks to GLAAD's recommendations and research.

From Meta to X, most major social media companies are failing LGBTQ+ users: GLAAD

Most of the top social media companies got an 'F' grade on GLAAD’s 2024 Social Media Safety Index. Of the major platforms, TikTok was the only one to pass with a dismal D+ grade.

Spotify Removes Offensive Imagery But Keeps Transphobic Song Despite Outcry

GLAAD raised the alarm while Apple Music remains unchanged amid this hate speech controversy.