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Laverne Cox mocks the GOP's $65 million anti-trans ad buy: 'Made-up fearmongering'

"It doesn't even work," the trans actor reminded viewers on The Daily Show.

Florida judge chastises Ron DeSantis for threatening abortion ad: 'It's the First Amendment, stupid'

"The government cannot excuse its indirect censorship of political speech simply by declaring the disfavored speech is 'false,'" the judge wrote.

6 of South Dakota GOP Gov. Kristi Noem's craziest moments

From bragging about killing a puppy to lying about meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, Kristi Noem keeps getting more ridiculous.

Facebook Marks LGBTQ Advertisements as Political, Blocking Them Again

This isn't the first time the social media giant has gotten itself in trouble over blocking LGBTQ ads.

Doughnuts and name-calling

When is it all right to tell drivers who advertise their bigoted politics on their bumpers exactly what you think of their self-righteousness?

Republicans are betting on transphobia to win the 2024 election for Donald Trump

They hope that people are more afraid of transgender folks than a future under GOP control.

Seattle Times Pays For Full Page Ads Supporting Republican Governor Marriage Equality

The company behind The Seattle Times jumped into two of Washington's most closely watched political contests, running full-page ads supporting Republican gubernatorial hopeful Rob McKenna and the marriage equality initiative, Refendum 74, both at no cost to the campaigns.

Why Is Psychology Today Advertising 'Ex-Gay' Therapy?

The advocacy group has discovered ads for the discredited therapy on the magazine's website.

Strangers Try to Bridge Political Divide in Heineken Ad

The new spot, featuring ordinary citizens, one of them transgender, is being called the right way for ads to address politics -- unlike the Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial.

Pete Buttigieg Asks Voters to Imagine the Day After Trump Is Fired

The gay presidential candidate's latest television ad emphasizes an end to division.

Candidates Air Cheery Ads While Groups Slash Behind the Scenes

While Republican Mike Huckabee wishes voters Merry Christmas in a television ad, a group organized by his supporters makes automated phone calls slipping the knife into his opponents. John Edwards, lagging behind his Democratic rivals in cash, gets more than a million dollars in help from labor unions running parallel campaigns. And Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is locked in a tight race in Iowa, has well-organized and highly strategic assistance from labor backers and EMILY's List, the pro-abortion rights fund-raising group that aims to help women candidates.

2008 People of the Year: Chad Griffin

After becoming the youngest person to ever work on the president's staff under Bill Clinton, Griffin wrangled Hollywood Heavyweights Brad Pitt and Steven Spielberg to donate to No on 8.

Dartmouth Alum Recounts Laura Ingraham's 'Bullying' of Gay Students at College

Ingraham, as editor of a conservative newspaper, sent a reporter to secretly record a meeting of a support group for closeted students, then published a transcript.

Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel Dined With Donald Trump at White House

Thiel, Trump's top Silicon Valley supporter, sits on Facebook's board.

Why Are Antigay Ads Running Before LGBT Videos on YouTube?

Some viewers clicking on coming out videos are being forced to watch ads about how sinful gay sex is.

Jonathan Van Ness on Finding Compassion for Republicans

The Queer Eye star wants you to vote -- and dig deep for some understanding.

Country Station Refuses to Air Pete Buttigieg Interview

The station's conservative owner says it's not about Buttigieg's politics or sexual orientation.