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private prisons

Meet the Gen Z trans woman running for Congress in Louisiana

Rivule Sykes's campaign in the Fifth Congressional District of Louisiana is one that aims to bring "people’s attention to the issues we all face together."

Trans Migrants Get Poor Health Care at Private Prison, Inspectors Find

Federal agencies found a sad state of affairs at Cibola County Correctional Center, which has been accused of causing one trans immigrant's death.

Trans Marchers Join Immigration Protest, Block Seattle Street

Government contracts with private prisons provide an incentive to round up immigrants, they say.

ICE Still Locks Trans Women in Cells With Men

A former detainee says Immigration and Customs Enforcement must stop housing transgender women with men in private prisons. In a word, it's about rape.

Migrant With AIDS and COVID Dies While Held by ICE

Pablo Sanchez-Gotopo of Venezuela had been held at a private prison where activists have raised concerns about the health care provided to detainees.

Only 11 Trans People Housed in the Right Prison in England and Wales

A Ministry of Justice report released Thursday said there are at least 119 trans women being held in men's prisons in the two U.K. countries.

Standing Up to Corporate Backers of Hate

Melissa Nunez -- a trans woman who suffered in a for-profit detention center -- wants to know why JPMorgan Chase is financing places like these.

Not Just Russia: A Review of All the Damage Jeff Sessions Has Done

As attorney general, he's moved the nation backward on transgender rights, voting rights, and more.

Federal Agencies at Fault in Trans Immigrant's Death, Complaint Says

Lawyers for the family of Roxsana Hernandez have filed a complaint holding federal immigration agencies and contractors responsible for her death while in custody.

Prison Operators' Negligence Caused Trans Migrant's Death, Suit Claims

The lawsuit seeks to hold companies that run private detention centers and transport migrants responsible for Roxsana Hernandez's death.

Trans Immigrant Who Died in Federal Custody Was Abused, Activists Say

Roxsana Hernandez suffered beatings and untreated dehydration before her death in May, an independent autopsy concludes.

Migrants in ICE's Trans Unit Describe Dire Conditions, Beg for Help

Nearly 30 transgender and nonbinary migrants held in an ICE facility in New Mexico accuse guards of severe mistreatment. 

About the Unbearable Whiteness Behind OITNB

Some people wish they hadn't binge-watched this latest season, but not for the reasons you might think. Warning: spoilers ahead. 

Oped Equality for us Means Equality for Everyone

Members of GetEQUAL Texas weigh in on immigration reform.

Over 100 Transgender People Are in ICE Custody

At least 45 trans people are being held at a Texas detention center, says a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson.

Transgender Immigrant Dies in Federal Custody

The death of Roxana Hernandez has transgender activists calling for the release of all trans immigrants in detention.

Trans and nonbinary migrants file complaint over treatment at ICE detention facility

They allege discrimination, harassment, denial of health care, and other mistreatment at a detention center in Colorado.

Op-ed: Marching on Washington and the Issues We All Face

Whether our cause is ending racial discrimination or boosting LGBT rights, we're all in this struggle together.

This Out Med Student Made a Plea for the 36K LGBTQ DREAMers

Yazmin Irazoqui-Ruiz testified to the House that Trump's plan to kill DACA protections threaten her future and the tens of thousands of other queer people benefiting from the program. 

LGBT Immigration Activists Interrupt Phoenix Pride

The group behind the protest is asking Phoenix Pride to use its power and influence to assist undocumented LGBT people who are held in detention centers.