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pro equality congress

Equality PAC raises big bucks for 2024 House Democratic frontliners at debate day fundraiser

The money will go to reelecting members who are running in challenging congressional districts.

LGBTQ+ and allied members of Congress introduce Trans Day of Visibility resolution

The resolution recognizes the accomplishments of trans people and commits to affirming their rights.

Fighting back against MAGA’s attacks on equality

As the Republican-led House focuses on passing anti-LGBTQI+ measures, members of the Congressional Equality Caucus remain vigilant in advocating for equality.

Momentum for the Equality Act Is Clear

Voters in November rebelled against Trump's xenophobia. Time to take that momentum further, Chad Griffin and Mara Keisling write.

Emily Randall looks to be the first LGBTQ+ Latina in Congress. Today she faces her primary

Three Equality PAC co-chairs tell The Advocate they’re confident in her chances to carry the day.

Gay Weatherman Could Be First Out Congressman From Illinois

Eric Sorensen has won the nomination in the state's 17th Congressional District.

This Is How Today's SCOTUS Decision Doesn't Protect LGBTQ+ People

Title VII is a huge victory for LGBTQ+ employees and shouldn't be undermined, but the Equality Act is the big kahuna. 

Out Candidate Wins Dem Nomination for Congress in New Hampshire

Chris Pappas, who's gay, took more than 50 percent of the vote in a field of 11 candidates.

View to Washington: Blue Dogs

Conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats have undercut progressive Dems on health care reform, but how are they affecting the push for LGBT equality?

LGBTQ Activists Making Final Push for Pro-Equality Votes

As the midterms approach, organizers are working tirelessly in key states.

All 50 States Have Seen LGBTQ+ Candidates in 2022, Says Advocacy Group

It's a landmark year with record numbers and diversity of LGBTQ+ candidates.

LGBTQ+ Groups Rejoice Over DACA Ruling, Trump Calls It 'Shotgun Blast'

The program protecting "dreamers," undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, will survive.

To Carry on My Uncle Harvey Milk’s Legacy, We Must Elect Joe Biden

The fight for equality has yet to be fully won, but Biden will bring us closer to the finish line. 

Brett Kavanaugh Is a Looming Disaster for LGBT, HIV-Positive People

Amid all the chaos, Trump and company hope they can slip this ideologue into the nation's highest court. HRC's Chad Griffin sounds the alarm.

The U.S. Will Now Have 1,000 Out Elected Officials in Historic First

Victories in Tuesday's election will push the number over that mark when all the winners take office, and the candidates represent the diversity of the LGBTQ+ population.

Finding the Silver Lining in Defeat

Three weeks ago, like many LGBT Americans, I woke up with, to say the least, mixed feelings. The euphoria of Barack Obama's election and the expansion of the pro-LGBT majority in Congress was tempered by sadness and anger at our devastating losses in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, and, of course, California. The silver lining of these defeats has been a renewed focus nationwide on the issue of marriage equality.

Becca Balint to Be Vermont's First Woman, First LGBTQ+ Rep in Congress

Balint, a lesbian, is a longtime Vermont state legislator and former teacher.

HRC Defends Endorsing a Republican for Senate

HRC endorsed Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk over his progressive Democratic challenger, and many commentators and activists are astonished.

Op-ed: Yes, LGBTs Can Still Find Allies With a GOP Majority

The election results may sting for some, but HRC president Chad Griffin says it's more important than ever to keep fighting on.