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prom king/queen

Ohio Man Arrested After Threatening LGBTQ+ High School Students

Police officials were able to trace his location quickly.

Lesbian Couple Voted Prom King and Queen at Ohio High School

Annie Wise and Riley Loudermilk have made prom history at Kings High School.

Pennsylvania High School Elects Female Couple as Prom Royalty

Courtney Steiner and Carly Levy appear to be the first same-sex couple to achieve this distinction in their state.

Frat Boys Still Have a Homophobia Problem

A recent incident at the University of Memphis reminds us of how far we've come, but still how much work still needs to be done.

Could Marriage Equality Mean the End of Gay Culture?

With growing equality — including the very real chance of national same-sex marriage rights — the connections that long brought LGBT people together are unraveling.

Utah H.S. Elects State's First Trans Prom Queen

Maka Brown had nothing but gratitude for her supportive classmates, boyfriend, and family as she accepted the tiara this weekend.

Lesbian Couple Crowned Prom King and Queen in Florida

Lindsey Creel and Brie Grimes made local history in Tallahassee.

Principal: Two Prom Queens Would Be Unfair to Boys

Students at the school support the lesbian couple's efforts to get school policy changed to make it possible to elect a prom queen and queen. 

Transgender student in running for Fresno prom king

When school officials announce the name of the Fresno [Calif.] High School prom king on Saturday, Cinthia Covarrubias will be wearing a tuxedo just like the six boys vying for the honor.

WATCH: This Trans Prom Queen Celebrates Her 'True Self'

Brooklynn Buenventura has come a long way from the first time she was elected to homecoming court, when she 'hid' herself in a tuxedo.

Trans Teen Crowned Prom King of His Cape Cod High School

Nick Bulman, who was chosen as prom king from five nominees, said that students at Barnstable High School have been supportive since he came out as trans. 

Drag Queen Crowned Indiana High School's Prom King

Nonbinary high school student Cristian Hernandez was awarded the crown in full drag, leaving the crowd "speechless."

An LGBTQ+ 'Unity Prom' at Ohio's State House Is a Resounding Success

The queer community had itself a kiki at the Ohio State House and it was a blast.

MTV 'De-Genders' Prom in Fashion Shoot of Our Dreams

What would prom look like without gender rules? Absolutely gorgeous, it turns out.

Teen Wolf Actor Charlie Carver Comes Out as Gay

In a heartwarming series of personal posts on Instagram, the actor shares his coming-out process.

WATCH: Gay Prom Queen Fights Transphobia

When Nasir Fleming, a gay male student at Danbury High School, was elected prom queen, he took the historic coronation to stand up for trans and gender-nonconforming students.