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Right-wing host forced to remove videos after calling gay dad a 'pervert homo' (exclusive)

After making unfounded accusations against gay family influencer José Rolón, right-wing pundit Stew Peters was immediately forced to retreat.

Conservative Pundit Says Trans People Are to Blame for Inflation

Charlie Kirk breaks down his theory of how trans people are the real cause of current economic struggles.

Right-Wing Pundit Says 'B' in 'LGBTQ' Stands for 'Bestiality'

And for good measure, Star Parker recently likened gays to Nazis.

Fox Pundit: Serving Gay Weddings Aids and Abets Sin

Fox's Erick Erickson critiques colleague Kirsten Powers on laws that would allow businesses to use religion to justify discrimination against LGBT people.

Far-Right Pundit Ties Caitlyn Jenner to Charleston Shooting

Acceptance of trans people like Jenner shows the nation cannot distinguish 'crazy and evil from good,' claims pundit Erick Erickson.

WATCH: Far-Right Pundits Call for Taking Down LGBT Pride Flag

If the Confederate battle flag is a symbol of racism, the rainbow flag is a symbol of anti-Christian bigotry, some commentators claim.

Right-Wing Pundits Blast Guinness's Pullout From St. Pat's Parade

Laura Ingraham calls it a 'totalitarian' act, while other conservatives also denounce Guinness's move, which was motivated by exclusion of LGBT-identified groups from the New York parade.

Antigay Pundit Compares LGBTs to Terrorists, Anorexics, and Voldemort

The managing editor of World Net Daily made bold and incendiary comparisons in a recent op-ed.

Conservative Pundit Calls Out GOP Hypocrisy on Sexual Abuse

Mona Charen got booed for her comments at CPAC, but she says she's glad she spoke out.

Conservative Pundit Equates Paris Attack With Gay 'Terrorists'

A prominent conservative pundit dedicated a significant amount of airtime on his radio show Wednesday to lamenting 'terrorism' -- by which he meant the firing of an antigay fire chief in Atlanta.

WATCH: Pundit Claims Everyone (Else) Is 'A Little Bit Bisexual'

Everyone's bisexual, says pundit Will Cain. Well, everyone but him, of course.

WATCH: Fox Pundit Wonders if Santa Barbara Killer Had 'Homosexual Impulses'

Psychologist Robi Ludwig speculates that the man who killed six people in Southern California Friday night could have been fighting his gay feelings.

Political Pundits Can Now Be Gay Black Men Who Wear Nail Polish

Politico's Eugene Daniels represents a refreshing departure from the days when commentators were all old angry white men.

Lesbian Pundit Has Witty Response for GOP Critic

CNN contributor Sally Kohn took it in stride when a Republican politician said she resembled Justin Bieber.

Chelsea Handler Handles Misogynistic Fox News Pundits

Right-wing haters get called out on social media by the comedian.

Transphobic Pundit Caroline Farrow Has Deleted Her Twitter

The British pundit fled Twitter, accusing critics of stalking her online.

Right-Wing Pundits Defend Trump's 'Shithole Countries' Remark

An alarming number of conservative commentators are taking his side.

Fox Pundit: Obama Forcing 'Militant LGBT Agenda' on Christians

Fox News' Todd Starnes bashes the president's antidiscrimination order.

Pundit: LGBT Voters May Doom GOP Presidential Candidates

The growing influence of LGBT Americans is among the reasons George W. Bush may have been the last Republican president, says conservative commentator Myra Adams.

Ted Cruz Attacked by Conservative Pundits for Opposing Uganda’s Antigay Law

The Texas Republican had a rare moment of moral clarity, but was quickly called to task by his fellow conservatives.