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radical activist

The Advocates 2024: Poet and activist Dr. Cheryl Clarke

The lesbian poet, essayist, scholar, and educator's career and activism have been going strong for over four decades.

Op-ed: An Open Letter to The New Yorker

When The New Yorker took a look at the tension between transgender women and radical feminists, one writer says the examination was unfair.

Kiev Activist: Life 'Dangerous' for LGBT Ukrainians

Activist Globa Bogdan, who had his hopes for Kiev Pride dashed this year, says the culture of machismo threatens LGBT Ukrainians.

First We Rebelled. Then We Assimilated. What Do We Want Now?

A new generation of LGBT activists reignites the fight not to gain access to established institutions like marriage and the military, but to substantially alter them.

Far right accuses Oreos of 'grooming' because the company supports PFLAG

The National Legal and Policy Center has released an incendiary video about the Oreo brand and PFLAG. It asks, “Is your favorite cookie company grooming children?”

Promoters of same-sex marriage ban try to 'scare' voters

Promoters of a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage that will appear on Tennessee's November 7 ballot are trying to "scare" voters into giving them money, says an opponent of the measure.

Right-Wingers Think Fox News Has Gone Pro-Gay

America's Survival Inc. thinks Fox's Megyn Kelly isn't antigay enough to take over Sean Hannity's time slot on the network.

Mississippi Gov. Signs Ban on Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth

Republican Gov. Tate Reeves claimed these procedures are "being pushed onto our children through radical activists."

History Shows Radical Feminism Was Trans-Inclusive

The Conversations Project's groundbreaking historical investigations shine light on the decades-old ideas of pioneering, trans-affirming radical feminists.

GOP Senators Want to Police LGBTQ+ Content in Kids' Shows

Five U.S. senators, led by Roger Marshall, say shows with this content should not be rated as appropriate for children.

NOM Plays Victim of 'Witch Hunt'

The National Organization for Marriage claims it's being unfairly targeted with investigations into whether it violated campaign finance laws in Iowa.

More of Speaker Mike Johnson’s Extreme Anti-LGBTQ+ Past and Extremist Ties Is Exposed

One previous client of Johnson's was even reportedly recorded endorsing violence against LGBTQ+ people and abortion providers.

Russian Radio Thinks Wingnut Bryan Fischer Is Antigay 'Expert'

A state-run radio program in Russia called the radical antigay activist an 'expert' who said the nation's anti-LGBT laws aren't homophobic, just 'homorealistic.'

Lesbian Attorney Sues AfterEllen for Defamation

Radical feminist activist, blogger, and attorney Cathy Brennan claims a San Francisco writer 'maligned' her in an online post about MichFest, lesbians, and trans women.


Moscow mayor vows never to permit gay parade, calls it 'satanic'

Moscow's mayor vowed Monday never to allow a gay rights parade, calling such events "satanic," but activists said they would defy a city ban to hold what would be the Russian capital's first gay rights parade.

Russian Activist Sues Actor Over 'Burn Gays Alive' Comment

The LGBT activist says he doesn't expect the suit to succeed in Russian courts but hopes to bring the case to the European Court of Human Rights.

Mississippi's Modern 'Jim Crow' Law Now In Effect

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act allows businesses to refuse service to LGBT people on religious grounds.

Outrage after Oklahoma education superintendent reframes Nex Benedict’s death without naming the teen

Ryan Walters, the far-right politician responsible for schools in the state, spoke about “woke mobs” and claimed conservatives were under attack.