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Who are the Zizians, a cult-like group led by a transgender woman?

The group has been linked to six killings.

Court restores Nebraska's sweeping same-sex marriage ban

Justices rule on Friday that the law is "rationally related to legitimate state interests."

What about the children

A close reading of the New York state supreme court's ruling against marriage equality reveals the usual myopic focus on those few children with two opposite-sex parents. And to hell with kids who have gay or lesbian parents.

BREAKING: Judge Rules DOMA Unconstitutional in Pedersen Case

In a blockbuster 104-page opinion, a Connecticut federal judge appointed by George W. Bush dealt another blow to the Defense of Marriage Act being defended by House Republicans.


Rationalizing Paul Ryan

The potential vice president has an ugly history with LGBT issues, but some say he's young enough to change course.

Op-ed: Defining Marriage and Moby-Dick

Many hide behind the Bible to rationalize their opposition to marriage equality, but could they make a valid academic argument against equality?

This Log Cabin Has Collapsed

By endorsing a homophobe -- and blasting a female black candidate -- the Georgia chapter of the LGBTQ Republican group highlights its own irrelevancy.

Kentucky's Marriage Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

A federal judge declared that Kentucky's refusal to recognize legal out-of-state same-sex marriages is unconstitutional, but stopped short of establishing marriage equality in the state.

What's in the Mind of a Trump Voter?

The (not so) complicated psychology of Donald Trump supporters.

Speidi Makes Stephen Baldwin Sound Rational

Heidi's voice makes Spencer throw up. Satan makes Heidi throw up. Both of them make Stephen Baldwin seem rational. And now you're all caught up on I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here.

Ewan McGregor Rationalizes His Casting as Gay Fashion Designer Halston

The Moulin Rouge! star waded into the debate over authentic gay casting.

White LGBTs: We Need Your Help With Police Harassment

No rational person condones the shooting of officers, but that doesn't mean things don't have to change with how African-Americans are treated by police. All LGBTs should empathize with that sentiment.

Ky. Gov. Claims Marriage Equality Threatens Birth Rates

In appealing a February ruling that struck down Kentucky's ban on marriage equality, lawyers for the state claim that allowing same-sex couples to marry would cripple the state's economy, since those couples can't procreate.

Prop 8 Attorneys Boies Olson Team To Get Bully Rating Changed

Prop. 8 Attorneys Boies, Olson Team to Get Rating Changed