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regret rate

What is gender-affirming care, who uses it, and do they regret it?

Gender-affirming care is banned for transgender youth when it's mainly cisgender people who use it, and when it has a significantly lower regret rate than all other major surgeries, tattoos, and children.

Aaron Rodgers and Joe Rogan spout harmful, transphobic nonsense on recent podcast episode

On Rogan's podcast, they claimed doctors are talking kids into transition just to make money.

Trump's latest order will devastate innocent trans youth and their families

Trans children only want to be their authentic selves, and this action will have severe repercussions, John Casey writes.

Gender-affirming surgeries are mostly performed on cisgender people: 'Bitter irony'

Out of the 151 breast reductions that were performed in 2019 on American minors, 146 (97 percent) were performed on cisgender males.

Former Gov. Brilliantly Disses GOP's 'Family Values'

'Oh, yeah, name these Republicans,' Brian Schweitzer, former governor of Montana, told Slate. 'The ones cheating on their third wives while they're talking about traditional family values?'


People are more likely to regret having children than gender-affirming surgery: study

Other operations, "while associated with higher rates of post-operative regret, are not as restricted and policed like gender-affirming surgery," a new study found.

Transgender youth satisfied with gender-affirming care 6-10 years later, according to a new study

The study is the latest in a huge number of studies showing high levels of satisfaction with trans care in the United States, and represents 6-10 years worth of follow-up.

Paul Ryan Now Supports Adoption for Gay Couples

Rep. Paul Ryan, at a town hall meeting Monday, said he would not vote against gay couples' right to adopt children.

Oklahoma Seeks to Criminalize Gender-Affirming Care Up to Age 21

Republican Rep. Jim Olsen's bill would make the provision of this care a felony, with a prison sentence of up to 10 years and/or a fine of up to $100,000.

'My Policeman' Cast and Creators on Making the Queer Film

The film begins streaming on Amazon's Prime Video on Friday.

Readers deserve better than misinformation about trans care; a response to Pamela Paul

In a recent response to our articles criticizing misinformation in Pamela Paul's article on detransitioners, Pamela Paul dismisses transgender people and trans activist. Evan Urquhart and Erin Reed respond.

'Yellowjackets' Star Liv Hewson Shuts Down Critics of Top Surgery

The nonbinary actor said the criticism is "really misogynistic."

'60 Minutes' Story Focuses on Transition Regret, Gets Slammed

A controversial segment gave credence to those who question trans identity.

Debunked: This misleading NYT anti-trans column relies on pseudoscience

The opinion piece by Pamela Paul relies on routinely debunked disinformation and gets factual information wrong about transgender care. It is the latest NYT published piece to do so.

More Teens Get Breast Implants Than Trans Top Surgery

Despite a lack of data, anti-trans proponents often center narratives of regret to dissuade gender-affirming health care.

Study finds use of puberty blockers safe and reversible, countering anti-trans accusations

The reports seem to suggest further advances in the field of gender-affirming care can address shortcomings of treatments available today.

Average LGBT Student Carries $16K More Debt Than Straight Peers

Lacking in financial support, queer students struggle to get hired and pay back their student loans.