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religious freedoms

GOP’s 2024 platform mirrors extremist Project 2025 as threat to women, LGBTQ+ people, and minorities

The Republican Party is playing with language to appear less extreme than it actually is.

Trump's 'Conscience Rule' Is a Perversion of Religious Freedom

Protecting homophobic and transphobic doctors is the opposite of divine.

Florida Bill Tests Waters of 'Religious Freedom'

The legislation could allow businesses, adoption agencies, and even health care facilities to deny services to LGBT people.

Homophobe Sam Brownback Confirmed as 'Religious Freedom' Ambassador

Vice President Mike Pence, in his capacity as president of the Senate, cast a tie-breaking vote to confirm Brownback.

NOM Pushes Anti-LGBT 'Religious Freedom' Order

The anti-marriage equality group has started a petition for the order, saying it will not enable discrimination.

'Religious Freedom' Laws Are Just Hate

When these laws are tossed out in court, they will be exposed for their true nature.

Georgia Businesses Rally Against 'Religious Freedom' Bill

Georgia's so-called First Amendment Defense Act must pass another vote on the House floor before it arrives on the governor's desk. 


Texas Judge’s Ruling That Threatens PrEP Access Paused by Appeals Court

The court issued a stay that will last for the duration of the government’s appeal in the case.


What Circumcision and 'Religious Freedom' Have in Common

A proposal to ban the procedure among infants is prompting a familiar battle cry.

Louisiana Lawmaker Introduces 'Religious Freedom' Bill

The national outcry over antigay 'religious discrimination' bills isn't deterring Rep. Mike Johnson.

Obama: Religious Freedom Bill Fight Not Over

While addressing his party on Friday, President Obama condemned the discriminatory nature of religious freedom bills.

The Resistance Reacts to Trump's Leaked 'Religious Freedom' Draft

Trump vowed to protect "religious freedom" Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast.

Georgia Governor Vetoes Antigay 'Religious Freedom' Bill

Facing backlash from the business community, Nathan Deal vetoed a contentious antigay "religious freedom" bill in his state.


It's Not Just the GOP Fighting for Its 'Religious Freedom'

The players in the latest LGBT battle don't fit in neatly among party lines.

The Religious Freedom Argument Is a Sham

We must continuously challenge the idea that we are the aggressors in the current culture wars.

Seth Meyers Eviscerates 'Religious Freedom' Bills

The talk show host delivered an epic takedown of anti-LGBT bills that "legalize discrimination."

7 Immediate Examples of Backlash to Indiana

Major businesses and sports organizations are reconsidering their investments in Indiana after the governor signed a so-called license to discriminate bill into law.


Biden Nominates Lesbian Rabbi to Religious Freedom Commission

Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, leader of LGBTQ-focused Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, provides a contrast to Donald Trump's homophobic appointees.

Sam Brownback Is an Appalling Choice for Religious Freedom Ambassador

As governor of Kansas, Brownback has shown that he defines "religious freedom" as freedom to discriminate, says the head of the state's ACLU affililiate.

Story of Right-Wing's Star Witness Is a Canard

Don't be too quick to buy former Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran's tale of religious persecution.