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republican senators

Lindsey Graham and other Republicans spew transphobic language while questioning judicial nominee

Graham and Ted Cruz went after a nominee who once served in Congress as a Democrat and supported the pro-LGBTQ+ rights Equality Act.

HRC Defends Endorsing a Republican for Senate

HRC endorsed Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk over his progressive Democratic challenger, and many commentators and activists are astonished.

Former Senator Makes the Republican Case for Marriage

Former U.S. senator Alan Simpson says everyone deserves the freedom to marry.

Senate Republicans Introduce 'License to Discriminate' Bill

The bill could allow religious individuals, as well as organizations, to discriminate against married same-sex couples if they claim it violates their faith-based beliefs.

Republican Senate Candidate Supports DOMA Repeal

Linda McMahon, the former World Wresting Entertainment CEO and Senate hopeful from Connecticut, said that she would vote to repeal the federal law, even as she demonstrated some unfamiliarity with the issue.


With Trump Acquittal, Senate Republicans Ripped Up the Constitution

Nancy Pelosi ripped up a speech, but Republican senators, minus Mitt Romney, shredded the Constitution, writes John Casey.

In Alabama Senate Race, Republicans Offer 'Bad' and 'Worse'

While Roy Moore is a well-known homophobe, his opponent for the Republican nomination, Luther Strange, is just as extreme. But Democrat Doug Jones might be able to beat either of them.

Homophobe Roy Moore Is Alabama's Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate

He's favored to win the general election in the deep-red state, but Democratic Doug Jones could prove a formidable opponent.


Every Republican in the Texas Senate Voted to Attack Marriage Equality

The GOP-backed bill would allow county clerks like Kim Davis to deny marriage licenses to gay couples.

New York Republican Senator Appears to Lose Primary Election

Senator Roy McDonald, one of four Republicans to back the marriage equality bill, trailed challenger Kathy Marchione by more votes than remained to be counted.