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resident life

Utah legislature passes a restrictive anti-transgender college student housing plan law

Under the legislation, trans students would be banned from nearly all single-sex facilities that are aligned with their gender identities.

Op-ed: Are LGBT Activists Ignoring Rural Communities?

A new tour associated with the It Gets Better project is headed to places where LGBT activists have for too long ignored.

Club Q shooter sentenced to 55 life sentences plus 190 years in prison for federal hate crimes

Anderson Lee Aldrich pleaded guilty to and was sentenced for federal hate crimes and firearms charges for the mass shooting that left five people dead and around 20 injured.

DeSantis Appointees Eliminate DEI Programs at Fla. College Amid Outrage

The school has been just fine since 1960, but conservatives see an opportunity to transform the liberal arts school from the inside out.

Superstar Tenor Russell Thomas on Being a Black Queer Man in Opera

Thomas, who's currently artist in residence at the Los Angeles Opera, also discusses what he calls the best decision of his life: becoming a father.

Roommate convicted in brutal murder of Kenyan LGBTQ+ activist Edwin Chiloba

Photographer Jacktone Odhiambo was found guilty of killing 25-year-old Edwin Chiloba nearly two years after the activist's body was found discarded in a metal box.

Antigay Church Sign Sparks Backlash in Small Maine Town

An antigay Baptist church posted the old platitude "Jesus made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve," for Pride Month. 

WATCH: West Hollywood Men Give Advice to Gay Youth

The gayborhood residents offer life lessons to young people.

Death of Santonio Coleman, a gender-nonconforming person, is being investigated as a homicide in Georgia

Coleman was found injured on a walking trail but died at a local hospital.

University of Maryland Police Investigate Anti-LGBTQ Messages in Dorms

Students discovered a swastika and homophobic text on whiteboards in multiple dorms.

New Film 'That Summer' a Sweet Prequel to 'Grey Gardens'

The Beales are back thanks to That Summer, which finally offers a star-making role to Jackie Kennedy's fabulous sister, Lee.

Chasing the Duclod Man

When Iowa college students began receiving anonymous letters referring to them as "duclods" and darkly alluding to their bisexuality, one recipient became obsessed with finding the sender's identity.

After Lawsuit, Major Insurance Co. Agrees to Cover PrEP Users

Mutual of Omaha will no longer deny policies to people using the preventative HIV drug.

We're coming out!

Coming out is, for most gays and lesbians, both a struggle and a tremendous relief. Finding the courage to reveal who we really are in the face of an unfriendly world often takes many years and usually begins with self-acceptance. These 25 people have taken a variety of paths, but they all reached a similar end: happiness

New Hampshire GOP Gov Signs Transgender Rights Bill

Plus one banning the use of conversion therapy on minors.

Guaranteed Income Is a Queer Justice Issue

More LGBTQ+ people live in poverty than do our straight and cisgender peers, so we'd benefit from such programs the most.

Queer aging is the next frontier in LGBTQ+ human rights

Supporting our aging LGBTQ+ community members is vital in the ongoing fight for equal rights, writes SAGE's Michael Adams and Hannah Yore.

What Facebook Should Have Said When Ad Chief Carolyn Everson Departed

The tech giant released a milquetoast 18-word statement, failing to credit Everson for her epic accomplishments there. 

Here are the 31 transgender Americans lost to violence in 2024

The epidemic of fatal violence against trans people in the U.S. continues.

Stars Hollow (and Small-Town America) Needs Gay Pride

The fictional town in the Gilmore Girls revival scrapped plans for Pride due to a lack of LGBT residents. Here's why that's a mistake.