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restroom use

Maui prep school considers policies that effectively ban transgender students

The proposed guidelines would restrict pronoun usage, restroom access, and uniform choice.

Ark. Trans Woman Fired For Using Women's Restroom

An Arkansas trans woman claims to have been fired from a local McDonald's for using the women's restroom.

Trans Woman Beaten on Oregon Beach After Using Women's Restroom

A cisgender woman who'd seen Lauren Jackson in the restroom complained to her husband, who is now accused of attacking the trans woman.

Three Women React to the Public Humiliation of a Trans Person

We asked three trans women to watch video of a congressional candidate accosting a trans woman at a restaurant and then share their emotions about the incident.

Texas Wants to Check Your DNA Before Using Bathroom

The Lone Star state adds its entry to this year's streak of bizarre bills seemingly targeted at the basic bodily functions of trans folks.

Texas School District Adopts Antigay, Anti-Trans Policies

The policies restrict pronoun and restroom use and ban any mention of gender fluidity.

After Woman Chased Out Bathroom, Denny's Says Supports Trans Customers

The diner chain declares trans customers can use the restrooms aligning with their gender identity.

Tennessee Advances Bill Requiring Warnings About Trans Restroom Use

Gov. Bill Lee must now decide whether to sign or veto the measure. Meanwhile, Oklahoma lawmakers advanced a ban on sexual and gender diversity training.

Trans Youth Assaulted More Often When Restroom Use Restricted

Restrictive policies "seem to be a marker for an environment where trans and nonbinary youth are at risk," says the lead author of a new study. 

Federal Judge Denies Trans Student Access to Male Restroom

The battle for trans-inclusive K-12 education heats up after a federal judge denies a high school student's request to use the boys' restroom.

Jury Awards $4M to Trans Boy After School Denies Him Restroom Access

The boy was forced to use a single-person restroom for P.E. and sports after being banned from the boys' restrooms and locker rooms. 

Coachella Fest, Owned by GOP Donor, Accused of Anti-Trans Bias

Trans siblings say they were denied use of restrooms corresponding with their gender identity.

Could Californians Soon See Antitrans Bathroom Law on Ballot?

The group Is gathering signatures for a ballot measure that would require use of the restroom matching one's 'biological sex.'

Arkansas Seeks to Criminalize Trans People's Restroom Use

Under a bill advancing in the state, they could be charged with misdemeanor sexual indecency with a child in certain circumstances.

Trans Man Brutally Assaulted For Using Women’s Restroom at Campground

The young trans man said a group of men attacked him for doing so. Police then arrested him for disorderly conduct.

LGBTQ Students Kicked Out of Iowa Capitol Over Restroom Use

Several students lobbying at the capitol were told they were using the wrong restroom, despite Iowa's LGBTQ-inclusive public accommodations law.

Cis Male Legislator Quits After Repeatedly Using Women's Restroom

A Republican colleague accused the Colorado state senator of using the ladies' room on three seperate occassions.

Trans Boy Suddenly Banned From Restrooms He's Used for Over a Year

School officials told the 16-year-old that if he continued using the men's restroom he would be disciplined. 

Tennessee’s First Transgender Elected Official, Olivia Hill, May Have to Use Men's Restroom

State laws create an unclear pathway for Olivia Hill’s rights concerning gender-specific facilities.

Nevada Lawmakers Won't Gamble on Anti-Trans 'Bathroom Bill'

Five Republicans crossed party lines to vote down specific requirements for restroom use.