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role models

Adult LGBTQ+ role models are instrumental to queer youth's mental health. Here's how

Two-thirds of LGBTQ+ young people (67 percent) report having at least one older LGBTQ+ adult role model in their day-to-day lives. Here's why that's important.

Kelly McGillis Is Not a Role Model

Returning to the silver screen in the vampire thriller Stake Land, Kelly McGillis reveals the even scarier responsibilities that come with coming out.

Jim West as a role model

The antigay, long-closeted, recently outed Spokane, Wash., mayor is one big bad apple, but he's still one of us. We should condemn his hypocrisy, sure, but let's also try to learn from his actions

We Must Be the Role Models We Lack

Being a mentor to young LGBTQ people is all our responsibility, writes the out dean of Golden Gate University School of Law.

The NFL's Pioneering Gay Cheerleader Is Happy to Be a Role Model

Napoleon Jinnies is embracing his position as one of only three male cheerleaders in the NFL.

Op-ed: Steve Grand Is The Role Model That Gay Youth Need

The singer of the summer, Steve Grand, was the musical disruption we all needed.

Pittsburgh’s gay police chief is stopping crime and living proud (exclusive)

“I am always so appreciative of those that have actually struggled, those before someone like me, who were the pioneers and were ahead of their time and sacrificed so much,” Chief Larry Scirotto said.

Kelly McGillis Is Not a Role Model

Returning to the silver screen in the vampire thriller Stake Land, Kelly McGillis reveals the even scarier responsibilities that come with coming out.

Op-ed: Entering Manhood With Zero Male Role Models

Boys Do Cry: Many LGBT people growing up in dysfunctional homes will relate to this trans man's harrowing tale of abuse and survival.

Right-Wingers Claim Gay Republicans Fundamentally 'Wrong'

Two gay candidates for the U.S. House and a gay-friendly nominee for the Senate are 'wrong on critical, foundational issues,' say the archconservative organizations.

Study: No Difference for Lesbian Couples' Kids

The absence of a male role model doesn't affect the well-being of kids raised by lesbian couples, a new study notes.

5 questions for the 4 new queens of 'We're Here'

Season 4 stars Jaida Essence Hall, Sasha Velour, Priyanka, and Latrice Royale talk about what life is really like for LGBTQ+ folks in small town America — and why it's important to keep fighting extremist opposition.

Role Model

Jack Mackenroth of Project Runway season 4 unveiled his new HIV/AIDS education campaign on Monday night at the Gay Men's Health Crisis Fashion Forward benefit in New York City. Called "Living Positive by Design" and sponsored by Merck and Co., the initiative seeks to combat the stigmatization of people living with HIV.

Rahne Jones on the The Politician's Queer Utopia & Being a Role Model

The out star of the Netflix series chats with The Advocate about her journey working for Homeland Security to being on one of TV's queerest shows.