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roy moore

Who is MassResistance, the far-right group behind anti-marriage equality resolutions?

MassResistance one of the most virulently anti-LGBTQ+ groups out there, and it's looking to end marriage equality.

Trump Clearly Held a Roy Moore Rally

The president wouldn't go to Alabama but held a Roy Moore rally just across the border in Florida.

Accused Pedophile Roy Moore Suing Female Accusers

Just when you thought we were done with the notorious homophobe/failed Senate candidate, he makes a desperate plea for more publicity.

Reading the Far Right: Defending the Indefensible Roy Moore

In far-right media, some are trafficking in conspiracy theories around Moore, blaming feminism for the accusations against him, or positing him as a Christlike martyr.

Women Are Calling Out Roy Moore as a Pervert With #MeAt14

Celebrities are posting photos of themselves at age 14, in order to highlight the horrific accusations that the Republican candidate made sexual advances on teens.

Ala. Marriage Equality Resumes Despite Roy Moore

An unconstitutional order from the antigay chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court blocked marriage equality in one county for one day. 

He's Back... Roy Moore Threatens to Run for Senate Again

Even after being accused of sexual misconduct, the disgraced homophobe is "seriously considering" running next year.

Wait, Who Is Roy Moore?

Want to know more about why Roy Moore is horrible for the Senate and LGBT people? Matt Baume explains.

There’s More Than One Roy Moore Scandal

Lost amid his alleged dalliances with children is the fact that the twice-fired judge has no respect for the rule of law.

House of Roy Moore Accuser Torched, Arson Investigation On

Tina Johnson's house may have been set aflame, but investigators don't believe the crime had anything to do with Moore.

Roy Moore Says He Took a Polygraph Test

While trying to stop Alabama from certifying Senate election results, Moore claimed in a legal filing to have taken a lie-detector test. (Update: Alabama certified the election results despite his objection.)

Homophobic Senate Candidate Roy Moore Accused of Pedophilia

A woman claims Moore engaged in a relationship with her when she was 14 and he was 32. Other women have also come forward saying they had relationships with the Alabama politician when they were teens.


Alabama Homophobe Roy Moore Running for U.S. Senate Again

Despite his 2017 loss, the virulently anti-LGBTQ Moore won't go away.

Roy Moore Accuser: I'm Demanding an Investigation Into His Assaults

Beverly Young Nelson feels partially vindicated by Roy Moore's Senate loss. But she said the case against him is far from closed.

Roy Moore's 'Jew' Attorney Is a Christian Convert

The attorney cited by the Moores isn't who some people thought he was -- instead he's a Messianic Jew who works for their foundation.

Roy Moore Accuser Sues Him for Defamation

Leigh Corfman, who alleged Moore groped her when she was 14, has filed suit because he called her a liar.

Handmaids Protest Alleged Pedophile Roy Moore

A group of women dressed as handmaids from Margaret Atwood's iconic novel came together to protest the Senate candidacy of Republican Roy Moore.

Roy Moore's 'Jew' Lawyer Is a Doug Jones Supporter

Richard Jaffe, who defended Moore's son on a drug charge, is a "passionate supporter" of Jones and plans to be at his Senate swearing-in Wednesday.

Doug Jones Defeats Homophobe Roy Moore in Alabama

Jones will be the state's first Democratic U.S. senator in two decades.


Roy Moore's Lawyer Uses Racism to Justify Pedophilia

The attorney for Roy Moore suggested that MSNBC host Ali Velshi's ethnic background would help him understand why the Senate candidate broke the age of consent.

Inside the Roy Moore Memos: Comparing Gays to Nazis

The suspended Alabama chief justice demonstrates an apocalyptic view of America after Obergefell.