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russian police

Police raid ‘My Little Pony’ gathering and a gay night at a local club in Russia

Police reportedly arrested nine of the “most feminine-looking” men at the gay night raid.

Police arrest Russian nightclub employees over drag show

Performers were stripped half-naked and forced to lie on the ground with patrons during the raid, which was caught on video.

WATCH: Report Finds Russian Police Ignore Antigay Violence

Complete with a video exposing the unbearable violence and harassment LGBT Russians endure, an 85-page report reveals more than a year of suffering under a nationwide ban on so-called gay propaganda.


Vladimir Putin Launches Raids on Moscow LGBTQ+ Clubs After Court Ruling

Gay bars and a gay sauna were raided by police less than two days after the country’s supreme court declared the “international LGBT social movement” to be an “extremist” element.

Russian Activist Murdered After Being Named on 'Gay-Hunting' Site

Yelena Grigoryeva, who died after being stabbed and strangled, had been listed on a site urging users to hunt down and attack LGBTQ activists.

Activist Charged With Violating Russia's 'Gay Propaganda' Law

After staging a one-man protest, Dmitry Isakov could become the first person convicted of violating Russia's 'gay propaganda' law.

Russian Police Detain 25 LGBTQ Activists in St. Petersburg

After a request to hold a parade was denied, demonstrators held a protest.

WATCH: Russian Police Arrest Activists at Moscow Pride

Russian police and right-wing zealots clashed violently with LGBT-rights protestors outside the nation's capitol.

WATCH: Former Russian Paratroopers Attack Gay Activist

A group of ex-servicemen ganged up on a lone gay activist in St. Petersburg today, before being detained by Russian riot police.

WATCH: Russian Cops Detain LGBT, Not Antigay Protestors

In two demonstrations in Moscow and St. Petersburg, LGBT activists were arrested for violating Russia's ban on so-called gay propaganda. Meanwhile, antigay demonstrators picketing in Sochi were ignored by police.

Antigay Russian Neo-Nazi Arrested in Cuba

Homophobic, violent neo-Nazi Maxim Martsinkevich was arrested in Cuba over the weekend and will be extradited to Russia to face charges of extremism.

This Is How Terrifying Being an LGBT Russian Has Become

A trio of young Russians took to the streets to show their support for LGBT equality this weekend. They were met by 100 violent homophobes.

Russian police raid clubs in crackdown on LGBTQ+ 'propaganda,' make arrests

About a dozen people were arrested and convicted of "petty hooliganism."

Russian Police Raid Pussy Riot Music Video Shoot for 'Gay Propaganda'

The activist group says authorities attempted to shut down its latest production.

Activists Arrested in Moscow for Delivering Chechnya LGBT Petition

Russian police have detained five activists, who were bringing thousands of signatures from their Chechnya petition to the Prosecutor General's Office in Moscow.

Police Detain LGBT Activists in St. Petersburg

The activist's signs were torn by Russian paratroopers, who had gathered in the city to celebrate a military holiday.