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rutgers university educator

The Advocates 2024: Poet and activist Dr. Cheryl Clarke

The lesbian poet, essayist, scholar, and educator's career and activism have been going strong for over four decades.

Point Foundation Creates Clementi Scholarship

It recalls the Rutgers University student who took his own life last year because of antigay bullying on campus.

Did Your School Make The List of Top LGBT Colleges?

Campus Pride's annual index of LGBT-friendly colleges and universities has expanded this year to show the improvements of more schools across the country.

A bridge, a split rail fence, a high school bathroom, and skin all raw

Jane Clementi and Judy Shepard talk about the pain of losing an LGBTQ+ child in the wake of Nex Benedict’s tragic death

Out Lawmakers Reintroduce Anti-Bullying Bill to Honor Tyler Clementi

Clementi died by suicide in 2010 after experiencing homophobic bullying from his roommate and another college student.

Photographer Mike Ruiz's newest project showcases LGBTQ+ success through portraits

Photographer Mike Ruiz is celebrating the success stories of the nation's largest LGBTQ+ homeless shelter, the Ali Forney Center.

We 55 respectfully disagree

In an "open letter" to The Advocate and to LGBT people everywhere, more than four dozen prominent activists of color take issue with Jasmyne Cannick's commentary calling for LGBT equality to take priority over rights for illegal immigrants. Quoting Audre Lorde, they remind us, "There is no hierarchy of oppression."

Rachel Levine receives honorary degree from Rutgers

The trailblazing trans doctor and advocate recieved an honorary science doctorate from Rutgers.

'Parents' Rights' movements forget families have the right to read LGBTQ+ books

As book bans targeting LGBTQ+ and diverse communities rise in the United States, there is an urgent call for advocacy to keep books that promote understanding, empathy, and self-acceptance accessible.

Tyler Clementi's Parents Denounce Overturn of N.Y. Cyberbullying Law

Following a decision striking down a New York anti-cyberbullying law, Tyler Clementi's parents demand that courts remember who Internet aggression harms the most: teens and young adults.

A New Bill Aims to End the Harassment Of LGBTQ Students

Openly LGBTQ politicians Tammy Baldwin, Mark Pocan join Patty Murray to re-introduce new cyberbullying legislation in Congress named after Tyler Clementi. 

LGBT Ally Sen. Frank Lautenberg Dead at 89

The New Jersey Democrat had a long history of supporting LGBT equality in myriad ways.