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sakia gunn

Newark Street Renamed to Honor Sakia Gunn, Lesbian Teen Killed in Hate Crime

Gunn was stabbed to death in 2003 after telling a man who was harassing her that she was a lesbian.

Editor's Letter: The World Without Matthew Shepard

Judy and Dennis Shepard took their son's tragedy and built a foundation to make something good out of something so heartbreakingly tragic.

The Peculiarity of Black Trans Male Privilege

Men of all genders benefit from the complicit oppression of black women.

12 Crimes That Changed the LGBT World

The Advocate has covered the LGBT community for 45 years, and these crimes won't soon be forgotten.

Be Killed or Be Caged?

For LGBT people of color or those from low-income backgrounds, there are seemingly two choices when faced with a violent situation: take the harm lying down, or fight back and face time behind bars.

New Trans Voices: Hear From the Trans Poets Workshop NYC

Members of the Trans Poets Workshop NYC offer pieces from their diverse bodies of work.

Matthew Shepard's Murder Remembered 25 Years Later With a Renewed Call to Fight Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate

Matthew Shepard died 25 years ago today after an antigay attack. How do we honor his legacy and that of less well-known hate-crime victims?

WATCH: Was Trayvon Martin Worried He Might Be Raped?

Friend Rachel Jeantel's words on CNN Monday night raised questions online as to why Trayvon Martin may have reacted the way he allegedly did.

Building Bridges in the Wake of Prop. 8

In the wake of finger-pointing following California's passing of Prop. 8, television writer and producer Tajamika Paxton suggests the time has come to build a bridge between the LGBT and African-American communities -- to engage in discussion rather than looking for somewhere to place blame.

Be strong, be proud

This is the speech not given. The author was scheduled to deliver these remarks in October at the Millions More March in Washington, D.C. But at the last minute he was barred from the stage.

12 Victims of Homophobia, Transphobia

While times are changing for LGBT people, we still face the threat of violence simply because of who we are. On International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, we remember some of the most high-profile victims of hate.

Remembering Sakia

Chances are you haven't heard much about Sakia Gunn, a 15-year-old lesbian stabbed to death in 2003 in Newark, N.J. -- and it's filmmaker Charles Bennett Brack's mission to change that.

An Invisible War

LGBT youths victimized by hate crimes are now being targeted as much for their gender expression as for their sexual orientation. GenderPAC's Riki Wilchins examines this underreported phenomenon.

Black, LGBT, American

A search for sanctuaries.

This Black Trans Man Is in Prison for Killing His Rapist

Ky Peterson, a black trans man from Georgia, has been imprisoned three years for the 'involuntary manslaughter' of his attacker, which he says was in self-defense.