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salvation issue

Christian Reformed churches leave denomination in droves after anti-LGBTQ+ vote

The Christian Reformed Church in North America voted last week to hand down a “limited suspension" to institutions that publicly embrace the queer community.

Is It OK Donate to That Salvation Army Bell Ringer?

The Christian group has been hit with complaints for its treatment of LGBT people, but its spokesman says they help everyone.

Should You Give Money to the Salvation Army?

Those cheerful bell ringers who stand on sidewalks collecting cash and change in their kettles -- are they and their 'army' secretly working against LGBT people? 

Ellie Goulding to Salvation Army: Support LGBTQ Groups or I Quit

The singer was set to play an NFL Thanksgiving halftime show to kick off the Salvation Army's holiday campaign but is reconsidering to support LGBTQ people.

Episcopal bishops meet on gay issues; future of Anglican family uncertain

Starting on Thursday in New Orleans, Episcopal bishops will take up the most direct demand yet that they reverse course on gay issues: Anglican leaders want an unequivocal pledge that Episcopalians won't consecrate another gay bishop or approve official prayers for same-gender couples. If the church fails to do so by Sept. 30, their full membership in the Anglican Communion could be lost.

Episcopal Conservative Groups Planning North American Partnership

A leading Episcopal conservative announced plans for a partnership Friday that aims to create an alternative to the liberal-leaning Episcopal Church. Bishop Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh (pictured), whose diocese is considering breaking away from the national denomination, said the group will be called the Common Cause Partnership.

Anglicans Hold Once-a-Decade Summit as Threat of Schism Looms

The Lambeth Conference, a once-a-decade summit of the world's Anglican bishops starting this week, will be a tense, closely watched family reunion. Nearly one quarter of the bishops -- theological conservatives mostly from Africa -- are boycotting the event. The 650 or so bishops who are participating are a mix of traditionalists and liberals with widely divergent ideas on how to save the splintering Anglican Communion.

Cold War: The Catholic Church and LGBTQ+ Believers

This year, the Vatican continued its mixed messages about queer equality and dignity. Is our patience worn thin?

Where to Never Shop This Holiday Season

Which companies support LGBT people and which ones don't?

Trans Woman Claims Housing Discrimination by Salvation Army

Jodielynn Wiley of Dallas says the Salvation Army denied her housing with other women because she had not undergone gender-reassignment surgery.

Chick-fil-A Still Donating to Explicitly Anti-LGBTQ Groups

Tax filings show the fast food chain gave nearly $2 million to homophobic organizations in 2017.

Faith-Based Shelter Won't Accept Same-Sex Married Couples

The head of City Union Mission says the shelter will not house same-sex couples together, even if they are able to legally marry in Kansas and Missouri.

Chick-fil-A Exec on Antigay Donations: We Answer to a 'Higher Calling'

The company's head of philanthropic giving says Chick-fil-A's donations are meant to help, not exclude.

Katrinas queer victims Still suffering

One year later the lives of many LGBT New Orleans residents remain in tatters--no thanks to George Bush's "faith-based" charities, most of which condemn homosexuality and refuse to recognize, much less assist, our families.

Protests Force British Chick-fil-A to Close After Six Months

Protests against the fast food chain, which has a history of supporting anti-LGBTQ causes, led a landlord to say the lease won't be extended.

Connecticut McDonald's Trolls Antigay Chick-fil-A With Inclusive Sign

Despite boycotts and pushback, Chick-fil-A continues to donate to anti-LGBT organizations. 

Westboro Baptist Church to Protest Workplace of Kim Davis

The small radical antigay group wants to show their distaste for the Kentucky clerk's adultery.

Pope Francis Meets With Apple's Tim Cook

The leader of the Catholic Church, who recently spoke out against same-sex marriage, sat down with the out CEO.

Controversial 'Save Chick-fil-A' Bill Passes in Texas

The bill, soon headed to Gov. Greg Abbott, would keep governments from punishing businesses because of their religious beliefs or donations.

Twitter's Jack Dorsey Isn't the Only One Who Forgot Chick-fil-A Is Anti-LGBT

The CEO of Twitter got a public shaming for promoting Chick-fil-A during Pride Month.