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same sex sodomy

Mauritius Supreme Court Decriminalizes Gay Sex in Landmark Decision

Advocates hailed the decision on the African island nation while the court disparaged the law’s British colonial era origins in its ruling.

Antigay Judge Wants to Be Just Like Kim

Probate Judge Nick Williams calls same-sex marriage 'license to engage in sodomy' and wants permission to deny rights to same-sex couples

American Men Are Still Being Arrested for Sodomy

Thirteen years after the Supreme Court struck down antisodomy laws, some Southern officials plead ignorance of the ruling.

Gay man fights for pardon after he was jailed for being LGBTQ+ in the military 30 years ago

One former Air Force officer who served 18 months in prison for consensual sodomy described a complicated, slow, and secretive process.

Dominican Republic's high court to review laws banning gay sex among police and armed forces

The Dominican Republic does not ban same-sex conduct by private individuals.

How the Sex Offender Registry Destroys LGBTQ Rights

Queer youth are being disproportionately labeled as sex offenders.