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Lesbian firefighter awarded $1.3 million from Kansas City after 21 years of harassment

Rebecca Reynolds claimed in two lawsuits that she has endured decades of abuse from her male coworkers who often targeted her for being a lesbian and for her age.

IRS Will Pay NOM to Settle Disclosure Suit

The action settles a lawsuit the antigay group had brought over the disclosure of donor names.

Student in Videotaped Beating Settles for $35K

Zach King, whose beating was captured in a video that went viral, will be compensated by the school district, which also pledged to improve antibullying efforts.

Trans Woman Settles Discrimination Claim

A federal judge has approved the settlement of a lawsuit against Deluxe Financial Services, Inc. over alleged harassement and discrimination against a transgender woman.

California Transgender Woman Beaten in Men’s Jail Wins Settlement

The victim, who suffered a broken jaw requiring multiple surgeries, was housed in a men’s jail in apparent violation of county policy.

Gay Police Officer Wins $225,000 Settlement in Discrimination Suit

Officer Brendan Mannix alleged fellow cops called him "such a queen" and "too dramatic," and denied him backup in dangerous situations.