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sexual concepts

Ohio enacts 'shameful' 'Don't Say Gay' bill as Gov. Mike DeWine signs

Activists say the so-called "Parents' Bill of Rights" will "make schools less safe for LGBTQ+ students."

Morning After, Short Screened at Cannes, Takes on Sexual Fluidity

Morning After centers on a group of sexually fluid friends spending an explorative night together. Director Patricia Chica answers five questions for The Advocate.

Gay groups oppose surgeon general nominee

President Bush's nominee for surgeon general faces a contentious confirmation hearing because of his writings about homosexuality and health. In advance of the Senate hearing on Thursday, gay rights groups, the American Public Health Association, and 35 members of the House were lining up in opposition to James W. Holsinger's nomination.

Coming Out to Your Doctor

Both the doctor and the patient are responsible for the quality of the medical relationship.

Controversy Sullies Canada's LGBTQ Equality Coin

The coin commemorates a 1969 law decriminalizing homosexuality, but some activists point out that anti-LGBTQ persecution continued long afterward.

Anal Sex? Open Relationships?The Truth About the FDA's Revised Gay Blood Ban

The proposed new rules on blood donation from gay and bisexual men are nuanced. HIV advocate Scott A. Schoettes breaks them down.

WATCH: Straight Russians Called on to Reproduce

Russia encourages straight couples to go forth and multiply, even offering prizes for procreation.

The gift of being gay

If gay men are, as is increasingly revealed through research, natural components of the human spectrum, we must have particular gifts to offer our fellow human beings. What might those be? Let's start a dialogue.

Do Letters from LGBT Teens VIolate Russia's 'Gay Propaganda' Ban?

The lawmaker who introduced St. Petersburg's ban on 'gay propaganda' filed a complaint against a journalist who hosts a social networking group that shares letters from LGBT teens.

N.C. Lt. Gov. Calls LGBTQ+ People 'Filth,' White House Responds

There are widespread calls for Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's resignation.

Op-ed: On Working Together Over Time

Journalist, feminist, and political activist Gloria Steinem says transgender identities should be celebrated, not questioned.

The dating game

Meet reality TV's Gay Bachelor Number 1--and find out why some are concerned about the straight twist in Bravo's Boy Meets Boy

Was James Buchanan the First Gay President?

Writer Thomas J. Balcerski on the 15th president and his very close male friend. 

Billie Jean King Reveals She Secretly Married Her Partner in 2018

The tennis legend also weighs in on the concept of fluid sexuality. 

In the Galleries: Anna Campbell

In her show, 'Etiquette Kit' Anna Campbell pokes wryly at the status quo concepts of gender and sexuality.

Lesbian Socialist: Do We Really Want to Be Part of 'Traditional Marriage'?

Capitalism is both a gift and curse to LGBT people and others fighting for equality in America, says lesbian author and socialist Sherry Wolf.

U.N. Ambassador Makes Passionate Plea for LGBT Rights

Samantha Power helps block an effort to suspend the United Nations' monitor on queer discrimination.

Taking the plunge

It's time for gay men to be rid of a drastic misconception about their sex lives, a misconception they've inherited from straight people eager to apply gender stereotypes to sex between two males.

The First 'Finding Prince Charming': Remembering 'Boy Meets Boy'

Logo's Finding Prince Charming is a gay twist on The Bachelor, yet Bravo did the same thing 13 years ago (with an exploitative straight twist). Read our July 2003 cover story on Boy Meets Boy below.

EEOC Sues to End Antigay Discrimination at Work

The federal agency is taking two employers to court under the U.S. Civil Rights Act.