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society for human rights

All about the nation's first gay rights group, the Society for Human Rights, founded 100 years ago

Founder Henry Gerber is a significant figure in LGBTQ+ history, but not enough people know his story.

No, transgender and nonbinary people are not frequently mass shooters

In the wake of a tragic mass shooting in Iowa, conservatives and far-right extremists have falsely peddled the claim that the LGBTQ+ community is dangerous, but data refutes that claim.

Biden Expresses 'Support and Solidarity' for LGBTQ+ People Globally

On the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, Biden said attacks on the community "cannot be tolerated."

Uganda's Politicians Double Down as World Outrage Spreads

As the world waits for President Yoweri Museveni to sign the hateful Anti-Homosexuality Bill into law, activists in Uganda and around the world are mobilizing.

Op-ed: The Marriage Ruling Is Message to the World

The global community was paying attention to our Supreme Court on Friday. This Australian believes the ruling should pressure the world, including his resistant home country, to embrace LGBT rights.

Marriage Equality Comes to Finland

In a vote of 105 -- 92, Finland's parliament granted equal marriage rights to same-sex couples Friday.


Ugandan LGBT Activists: 'We Have to Stay and Fight'

After the Ugandan parliament abruptly passed a bill that imposes lifelong jail sentences for homosexuality, LGBT activists are determined to stay strong.

Richmond Maintains Perfect Score in LGBTQ+ City Ranking

Amid increasing state-level anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, Richmond set a high standard for municipal equality, scoring 100 in the Human Rights Campaign’s 2023 Municipal Equality Index.

An out former USAID official speaks on the fatal global fallout of dissolving its LGBTQ+ programs (exclusive)

“People are begging us, ‘What do we do now? How do we keep people from being arrested, beaten, sick or worse?’ And we have no answers for them,” the former USAID official said.

Op-ed: A Bittersweet Trip to My Family's Home Country

Even before Janet Quezada went back to her family's homeland to help other LGBT activists, she was met with protests that said LGBT rights are "neo-Imperialist" propaganda.

Chechen Antigay Violence To Be Looked Into By International Coalition

The U.S. is part of a 16-nation coalition setting up the investigation.

Op-ed: John Kerry Needs to Do the Right Thing in Egypt

Promoting an economic summit in a nation jailing LGBT people is not living up to the self-stated ideals of the State Department.

Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act must be stopped. Now.

Even with certain restrictions against government leadership and international aid, more must be done to prevent Uganda's anti-LGBTQ+ law and the harm it will inflict on queer people, writes the Williams Institute's Ari Shaw.

Donald Trump Calls Republican Antigay Bigot Mark Robinson 'Better' Than MLK

The former president praised the North Carolina lieutenant governor who once called LGBTQ+ people “maggots,” “filth,” and “flies” for his oratory skills as Robinson seeks the governorship.

Kansas City media misgender trans murder victim springing LGBTQ+ advocates to action

After public outcry, local news outlets corrected the story, highlighting the importance of accurate reporting about transgender victims of crime.

Will Jordan's Prince Protect LGBT Rights at U.N.?

It's unclear if Prince Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein of Jordan will be able to follow in the footsepts of LGBT-rights champion Navi Pillay as U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights.

Ugandans Challenge 'Jail the Gays' Law in Court

Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act just received its first constitutional challenge, while activists also filed a separate suit hoping to put a stop to the now-common practice of tabloids outing Ugandans suspected of being LGBT.
