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Tennessee GOP quietly overturns marriage equality by giving officials the right to refuse

Public officials in Tennessee can now refuse to grant a marriage license to anyone at their own discretion, for any reason.

George Santos Really Wants You to Meet His Husband

He name-dropped his husband in solemn tribute to late Sen. Feinstein, inciting a blend of humor and confusion across social media.

Tennessee Republicans pass bill allowing marriage discrimination toward same-sex couples

Despite marriage equality being the law of the land with significant support, the GOP continues to try to legislate LGBTQ+ people out of society.

George Santos, the Fabulist Lawmaker, Is Expelled from Congress

The gay New York Republican congressman’s curtain call has come on his most extraordinary performance as the sixth person in history to be kicked out of the body.

3 Kentucky Counties Aren't Issuing Any Marriage Licenses

Despite orders from the state's Governor, Attorney General, and local attorneys, several Kentucky county clerks have stopped issuing marriage licenses altogether to avoid licensing same-sex couples.

Aussie P.M. Wishes Gay Sister Well, Opposes Her Marrying

Prime Minister Tony Abbott remains opposed to marriage equality despite his sister's engagement to her longtime partner.

Tennessee May Allow Clerks to Refuse Marriage Licenses to Same-Sex Couples

A bill passed by the House and pending in the Senate would allow anyone to refuse to solemnize a marriage that offends their conscience or religious beliefs.

Feds Will Recognize Utah's Same-Sex Marriages

It's still unclear whether the state will honor the 1,360 same-sex unions that took place in the 17 days when they were legal.

Two Same-Sex Couples Married in Colombia

After a 2011 court ruling that ordered the Colombian Congress to create equal relationship recognition for same-sex couples, gay and lesbian Colombians are finally tying the knot.

WATCH Attorney General Says LGBT Lawyers Have Common Cause With Obama Administration

Attorney General Eric Holder, addressing the LGBT Bar Association, said attendees have a solemn responsibility to keep up the fight for equality.

For Lent, Hobby Lobby and #HeGetsUs should give up making self-righteous feet-washing commercials

The Jesus Super Bowl ads made a mockery out of a solemn Easter tradition, treating the marginalized like criminals and dissing the humility of Jesus.

Archbishops Antimarriage Decree Called Troubling

He forbade the church from participating in same-sex marriages in any fashion.

The Republicans Failed America and the Nation's Founders

The Constitution's crafters never imagined a political party would allow the president to extort a foreign leader.

Church of England Plans Blessings for Gay Couples

Parishes within the Church of England still cannot officially marry gay and lesbian couples, but can offer public blessings.