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sonia sotomayor

Justice Sotomayor: Supreme Court ruling in immigration case threatens marriage equality

In holding that citizens don't have a fundamental interest in bringing noncitizen spouses to the U.S., the court is on the path to undermining marriage rights in general, the justice said in an impassioned dissent.

After the Supreme Court's 303 Creative Ruling, What Happens to LGBTQ+ Rights?

The conservative-majority court announced the decision on the last day of its session before justices jetted off on their summer vacation.

Ketanji Brown Jackson Blasts Clarence Thomas in Affirmative Action Dissent

Thomas accused the court's newest justice of casting all Black people as victims and wanting to "reallocate society’s riches by racial means."

The Supreme Court Justices' Secret Deal on LGBTQ+ Rights and Its Impact Today

A secret deal between Justices John Roberts and Anthony Kennedy still has implications today.