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state politics

Over a quarter of college applicants are rejecting schools over their states' politics: report

Over a quarter of college applicants (28 percent) said in a new survey that they "exclude schools solely based on political considerations in the state where the institution is located."

The State of Identity Politics in 2018

After some claimed Hillary Clinton's embrace of minority groups cost her the election, will midterm candidates back off their outreach to LGBTs and people of color?

Louisiana is the only state that's never had an out LGBTQ+ state legislator. Here's why

Queer statehouse candidates in Louisiana say running for office was 'traumatic.'

Ohio Voters Put Abortion Rights in State Constitution

They approved Issue 1, a ballot measure enshrining the right.

Republicans and Democrats are split on transgender rights — and it's impacting swing states

Ohio's voters largely oppose protections for trans people. And yes, Ohio's voters are largely Republican.

Trump Ineligible for Colorado Ballot, State Supreme Court Rules

He's disqualified because he took part in an insurrection, says the ruling, which Trump is appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Biden Delivers Energetic, Economy-Focused State of the Union Address

He did get in a pitch for the Equality Act, though, and shout-outs to transgender youth and marriage equality.

How Illinois's 1st Out State Sen. Mike Simmons Juggles Love & Politics

Simmons and his partner, Michael Sullivan, find that shared commitments to justice and each other keep their relationship healthy amid the demands of their work.

Danica Roem Makes History Again and Is Elected Virginia's First Transgender State Senator

Danica Roem was the first transgender person seated in any state legislature. During her campaign for state Senate, she faced transphobia but emerged victorious on Election Day.

Report: Ed Buck to Be Charged With Federal Drug Crimes

Previously charged with state crimes, the political activist is now accused of distributing meth, resulting in death. 

Larry Hogan, Maryland GOP Senate candidate, evades gay constituent's question when asked about his record

His record as Maryland's governor shows that he is no friend to the LGBTQ+ community, according to political insiders in the state.

Kentucky leads the fight against conversion therapy amid a wave of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation

Kentucky has become a beacon of hope against the current political climate targeting queer people, writes Kentucky state Rep. Lisa Willner.

Rape and Threesome Accusations Stalk Florida GOP Leaders

The scandal prompted political leaders from both sides of the aisle to demand Ziegler resign as GOP state chair, including Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The Advocate's Big Four Report: Ohio

The Advocate continues its coverage of four swing states this week with Ohio, the state that could well decide the 2008 election ... and the state that John Kerry lost by a scant 119,000 votes in 2004. This story is the first of four pieces focusing on the state's political dynamics, LGBT concerns, and how it all will play out on Election Day.

Op-ed: Pushing Transgender Rights Bills in a Difficult State

What can the rise of transgender political power in Philadelphia can tell us about the fight in our state and elsewhere? How can trans folks keep the progress going?

GOP Politician, Trump Surrogate Arrested for Soliciting Sex With Boy

The political career of Oklahoma state Sen. Ralph Shortey looks to be over as police recommend three prostitution-related charges against him, including soliciting sex with a minor.

Same-sex marriage now becomes political dispute in New Jersey

The same-sex marriage issue in New Jersey is moving from a legal dispute to a political one as the stage has shifted from the state's supreme court to the legislature.

Is Virginia Really For Lovers?

Equality Virginia takes stock of state politics since the marriage ban passed in 2006 and finds that even conservative Republicans are starting to think twice before targeting LGBTs.

The Advocate's Big Four Report: Virginia

The Advocate continues its coverage of four swing states this week with Virginia, a traditionally red state where some recent polls give Sen. Barack Obama a dougle-digit advantage. Today's story is the first of four pieces focusing on the state's political dynamics, LGBT concerns, and how it all will play out on Election Day.

The Advocate's Big Four Report: Colorado

The Advocate is profiling four battleground states this month -- Colorado, Florida, Virginia, and Ohio -- all of which went red in 2004. Today's story is the first of four pieces focusing on the Rocky Mountain State's political dynamics, LGBT concerns, and how it will all play out on Election Day.

The Advocate's Big Four Report: Florida

The Advocate continues its coverage of four swing states this week with Florida, which went red in 2004 and infamously decided the 2000 election for George W. Bush. Today's story is the first of four pieces focusing on the Sunshine State's political dynamics, LGBT concerns, and how it all will play out on Election Day.