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The most searched gay adult entertainers of 2024 revealed

Find out which one of these hunky boys came on top.

REPORT: High Rates of Violence, Discrimination Against Bisexual People

A new report released by the Movement Advancement Project shows startling statistics on the experiences of bisexuals.

Nearly Half of South Korean LGBTQ Youth Attempt Suicide

The startling statistics come as an organization sets up a hotline to help those feeling isolated.

Millions of Australians Already Voted In Marriage Equality Survey

As the Australian Bureau of Statistics tabulates votes on the marriage equality vote, turnout is higher than expected.

A Sweeping Trans Study, a Personal Tale

The largest-ever study of transgender people was recently released. Read a story among those statistics of survival and perseverence.

Pornhub's search trends expose America's naughty coping mechanisms to Trump's win

The stats don't lie. The Midwest was letting its freak flag fly.

Texas Trans Woman Becomes Grim Statistic

Monica Loera becomes the first trans woman to be reported murdered in 2016.

Majority of People Globally Say Their City Is Good for Queer People: Poll

The statistic comes from a landmark survey by Gallup.

WATCH: The Days and Nights of a Homeless Gay New Yorker

This exclusive clip of new documentary A Road to Home goes beyond the statistics.

'3:43' Is the Musical Number About the Wage Gap We Never Knew We Needed

Australian sisters Eliza and Hannah Riley fire off some startling statistics in the most melodic way possible.

Defense Dept. Takes Aim at Sexual Assault on Men

A new video from the Department of Defense is presenting some very alarming statistics on sexual assault on men in the military.

What It's Like to Be Bisexual: In Numbers

These are startling statistics on the experiences of bisexuals.

Nearly 10% Percent of Adults Around the World Identify as LGBTQ: Survey

The statistic comes from a new survey conducted by Ipsos.

LGBTQ Drug Abuse Dissected in New Film

Class A sparks a conversation about alarming statistics rarely discussed.

One in Six U.K. LGBs Are Hate-Crime Victims, Says Poll

A poll commissioned by the LGBT nonprofit Stonewall reveals disturbing statistics on hate crimes and police response in the U.K.