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straight guys

Dive into the wild analytics of Pornhub's spicy gay stats review

Is there such a thing as a "demure," "twink," and "anime" adult video?

Where Are the Slutty Straight Guys

SPOILER WARNING: If you're still in the first season of the British Skins, be careful.

Lake Como Is Not Just for Rich Straight Guys

George Clooney, James Bond, and Herb Caen all fell for Italy's Lake Como -- now you can too.

When Straight Guys Treat Us Like Women, Is It Progress?

After traveling in an elevator with a group of straight men, this gay editor was allowed to exit first. He's still trying to decide if he was handed a silent compliment or just given the shaft.

Edward Albee Is In Love with a 23-Year-Old Straight Guy…
Arts & Entertainment

Straight White Guy Cabinet Update: Interior Nom Called Clinton 'Antichrist'

Trump's pick for secretary of the Interior, U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke, once implied that people choose their sexual orientation -- and he said Hillary Clinton was the Antichrist, but later backtracked.

Why You Should Watch a TV Show About a Straight Guy This Sunday

That's because CNN will premier of the Oscar-nominated documentary, Life Itself, about straight but gay-friendly critic Roger Ebert.

Op-ed: An Open Letter to My Straight Male Friends

One straight guy lets his guy friends know that it's time for them -- and all straight men -- to fearlessly love each other and everyone else.

These Four College Dudes are More Obsessed with Ellen Than You

Everyone loves Ellen, even straight guys with washboard abs.

Anxiety and the Men's Shower Room

Why is the all-male shower scene such a hot button for straight guys?

Diversity and the Dark Knight

Batman may be a straight white rich guy, but many of the key people in his life are anything but.