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substance misuse

This is what fuels addiction in LGBTQ+ people, and what's available to help (exclusive)

LGBTQ+ people face escalating discrimination and a social life often dominated by alcohol-centric social spaces, but there are many other resources available to them.

Florida Publix Refuses to Write 'Trans' on a Cake, Citing Company Policy

The employees told the customers that acknowledging trans joy is taking a stand on a political issue, which company policy forbids.

Middle Eastern, North African LGBTQ Youth Report High Risk of Suicide Attempts

The findings are part of a research brief by the Trevor Project.

These Three Black Trans People Died Far Too Young

London nightlife icon Elie Che (pictured) has died in an accidental drowning; the death of another Black trans woman is under investigation.

‘American Idol’ and ‘Drag Race’ Star Adore Delano Comes Out as Transgender

Taking to Instagram, Adore Delano opened up about her gender journey.

The APA on Stress and Its Effect on LGBT Lives

More and more research shows that stress is severely harming people, especially minorities targeted for discrimination. Clinton Anderson of the American Psychological Association tells us what needs to be done.

Biden administration moves to reclassify marijuana, making it legal with prescriptions

The Department of Justice has submitted a proposed rule that would reclassify how cannabis is scheduled.

Ed Buck's Past: Drugs, Arrests, Political Machinations

Ed Buck, whose home was the site of protests Monday night, is a prominent Democratic financier who had two black men die in his home.