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taksim square

Istanbul celebrates Pride despite ban and arrests

Organizers said they “changed continents” in response to the government crackdown.

WATCH: Istanbul Pride Revelers Attacked By Police

Police in the Turkish city turned water cannons at people celebrating Pride, and fired tear gas and rubber bullets at them.


War protesters include gays and lesbians

Gays and lesbians around the world joined thousands of antiwar protesters on Saturday to mark the third anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq

Turkish Officials Cancel Istanbul Pride Out of Fear for the Safety of Participants

Anti-LGBT groups have intimidated the government into canceling the event three years in a row. 

A Ban and Rubber Bullets Didn't Stop Istanbul Pride

Around 1,000 people marched in the LGBT parade, which had been banned by authorities and faced a heavy police presence.

Global Gayborhoods: Istanbul

Exotic and familiar to Westerners, Turkey's cultural epicenter contrasts its historically cosmopolitan character with growing Islamic conservatism. Gay life abounds, but is it going underground?