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Taylor Frey & Kyle Dean Massey's new 'spicy' gay holiday movie

Christmas comes prematurely as the actors bring authentic LGBTQ+ representation to the screen.

9 LGBTQ+ Hallmark Stars You Should Know

Hallmark is at the forefront of promoting queer talent.

Taylor Swift Smacks Trump's Twitter Racism, Violence-Baiting

"The Man" called out the president after his harmful tweets about the situation in Minneapolis.

Where the Boys Were

What do 20-something gays think of the vintage film The Boys in the Band, just released on DVD? One guess...

Interview Magazine: A View on the Inside

Warhol distributed his little magazine by hand until the whole world wanted it. Jeff Yarbrough writes about the frivolity and celebrity-stalking back in the golden days.

The Top 175 Essential Films of All Time for LGBT Viewers

What is the most essential movie ever for LGBT viewers? There can be only one. We've made our pick, and now you can vote on Facebook and Twitter in a "Clash of the Classics!"