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the dinosaur hour

Caitlyn Jenner: Transgender Women Aren't Really Women

One of the world's most famous transgender people said she doesn't consider herself a woman but is instead a "trans person." She also condemned trans women's inclusion in women's sports.

Navy Bares All About Its Viral Sky Penis

The truth about the celestial shaft has finally been exposed.

5 Facts About the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade

While it’s had some mishaps along the way, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade has still managed to go on almost every year for nearly a century.

The cyber mafia

Gay bloggers have emerged as the most influential voice in a new wave of journalists who are redefining the way the information game is played.

Archuleta Idol

We're only a week or so away from not having to watch this show three nights a week. Get excited.

Call her Miss Ross—or else

Pop music legend Diana Ross has a new album and tour to promote. Idol's 12 remaining indentured servants are here to help.

Unknown Victim of Deadly 1973 Arson in Gay Bar Finally Identified

Forty-five years after the UpStairs Lounge fire, the largest gay mass murder prior to the Pulse shooting, one of the "unclaimed" victims has finally been ID'd. 

Busting the 5 Biggest Myths About Insomnia

Working all night instead of sleeping might be the new humble-brag, but you don't have to put up with insomnia.

Op-ed: How to Get Elected in America

The first LGBT person of color was elected to Congress in the land of Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon.

Can Rupert Murdoch Create Two Americas?

I'm enticed by the thought of a News Corp.-free existence.

The New Gay: What's Really Changed

Is today’s New Gay — businesslike and comfortable in straight environments — an entirely new creature?

Advocate, Out, Plus nominated for 2025 GLAAD Media Awards alongside biggest queer films and TV of the year

The Advocate's reporters Ryan Adamczeski and Christopher Wiggins also scored nominations for Outstanding Print Article and Outstanding Online Journalism Article.

Advocate, Out nominated for 2024 GLAAD Media Awards along with biggest queer films and tv of the year

The Advocate's Christopher Wiggins also scored a nomination for Outstanding Online Journalism Article.

Gallery of Geek: J. Bone

Handsome, sexy men and powerful, curvy women abound in artist J. Bone's cartoon world.

A Gay Love Letter to Barbie on Her 60th Birthday

Alexander Modiano pays tribute to the doll that sparked his queer awakening.

Michfest Womyn and Trans Women Ask 'Why?'

A look behind the scenes at how this summer's 40th annual Michigan Womyn's Music Festival became its last.

Republicans' Hatred of Powerful Women, Now Live and Uninterrupted!

Trump and his boys' club took aim at Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch at the impeachment hearings, but it only displayed their weakness. 

Queer, Mixed-Race, and Growing Up on an Army Base

Sophie Santos, a TV writer and comedian behind The Lesbian Agenda show, revisits the racial confusion of her army brat days in her new memoir. Read an excerpt here.

Ian McKellen's Well-Lived Life Gets the Celluloid Treatment

Sir Ian speaks to us about the new documentary that chronicles his journey from actor to activist.

She's Bringing Sexy Back

In this summer's Sex and the City, Kim Cattrall is back for more. But the woman who symbolizes sex with no strings isn't anything like her screen persona--except of course when she is.

Seat Filler May 2010 Guide to Theater

Your man on the New York theater scene pulls a pre-Tonys cram session with Sean Hayes, Nathan Lane, and Vanessa Williams, but he still makes time for small stars and smaller penises off-Broadway.