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the traitors

RuPaul's 8-year Emmy-winning streak broken by 'Traitors' host Alan Cumming

The 2024 Emmy Awards really said, "Traitors and Faithfuls, Ru-Veal yourselves!"

Randy Rainbow: Trump Is Smartest, Most Stable Traitor

Going back to his musical roots, Rainbow does a political parody of the Major General's Song from The Pirates of Penzance.

Twitter Turns on Sen. Lindsey Graham: 'Traitorous Trump Lapdog'

The South Carolina senator's obsequiousness to the president and his family knows no bounds.

Trump Mob Chases Lindsey Graham From Airport Terminal: 'Traitor!'

A video tweeted by a Politico reporter shows a chaotic situation at D.C.'s Reagan Airport.


Republican Rep. Paul Gosar Calls for Death to 'Sodomy-Promoting Traitor' Gen. Mark Milley

The far-right Republican from Arizona went on an unhinged rant against the retiring Joint Chiefs chairman.

Parvati Shallow opens up on coming out, dating Mae Martin, and reigniting 'Survivor' feuds on 'The Traitors'

The reality TV icon is chatting with The Advocate on her exciting new chapter living life out and proud.

Shepard Smith: Fox's Lone Voice of Reason on Bergdahl

The Fox News host condemns the rush to brand Bowe Bergdahl a deserter or traitor.

Alex Jones Wants to Execute Journalists, Including Rachel Maddow

Journalists like Maddow are "traitors" and "scum," according to the far-right conspiracy theorist.

Trump Uses Fox News's Words to Slam Chelsea Manning

The president calls Manning an "ungrateful traitor" for her critique of Barack Obama, just minutes after those words appeared on Fox News.

Trump Inaccurately Claims Obama Pardoned Chelsea Manning

Obama actually commuted Manning's sentence, but Trump made the inaccurate statement in defending his pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Randy Rainbow Names Trump's 'Favorite Things'—Like Dictators, Urine

The satirist takes on Trump's loves to the tune of "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music. 

'Survivor' winner Parvati Shallow comes out as queer and is dating Mae Martin

The reality show star came out right before the 2024.

Why This Trans Woman Can't Identify With 'The Handmaid's Tale'

There are battles that cis women face that trans women don't -- and vice versa. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be invested in the struggles of all women, writes Jessie Earl. 

Outrageous Antigay Rant Marks Lincoln City Council Meeting

Gays are responsible for genocide and treason, says speaker.

The Handmaid's Tale Season 2 Trailer: A Nightmare Dystopia

The award-winning series is coming back more relevant than ever. 

WATCH: Hockey Crowd Cheers as This Couple Kiss

These two fab fans said it had been their goal to get on the 'kiss-cam' at Staples Center in Los Angeles.

Bradley Manning Acquitted of Aiding the Enemy

But the former Army intelligence officer could still serve up to 125 years in prison for 'espionage.'

Mike Pence Runs Out of Gas

His disdain for our community is only outmatched by the hatred of MAGA extremists and moderates for him.

Bernie Sanders's Most Fervent Supporters Are Not Helping

This trans woman says the presidential candidate's online army remains too militant, and their leader is looking the other way.

Pussy Riot Leader Maria V. Alyokhina Has Escaped Russia

Using a disguise and with the help of friends, the queer musician and activist made her way to Lithuania.