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the village nightclub

Transgender Woman Violently Attacked in Palm Springs, Video Shows

Police are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime.

Multiple Attacks on Gay Men in NYC, Hours After Rally

Dan Contarino, a nightlife promoter, was brutally beaten last night in the East Village around the same time a gay male couple were also attacked in the SoHo neighborhood.

Harnessing Our LGBTQ+ Cultural Vibrancy Will Help NYC Survive and Thrive

New York City's revival plans should include LGBTQ+ community, says Josh Wood.

I'm OK With the Dems Backing Away From Identity Politics

The truth is that most Americans are centrist, writes Amanda Kerri, and we can't risk the Republicans holding on to power.

The Terrence Trifecta

Masterful acting keeps three plays by Terrence McNally from becoming cliche. But not even a porn star can save The Ritz.

Where we live

As the country opens its arms to openly gay and lesbian people, the places we call home have grown beyond urban gay ghettos. The Advocate welcomes you to this new American landscape.

Stonewall Inn Proved It Was a Landmark

Stonewall's designation as a national monument comes less than two weeks after tragedy.


Meet the Olympics' Gay Cousin

A few thousand miles from London, gay athletes converged to play and party.

WeHo Without Wheels

West Hollywood is an L.A. environ easily navigated by foot.

Which Mass Shooting Happened on Your Birthday?

So many memories are now intertwined with tragedy.

The Red Scare's Lesbian Informant

To bring down the Communist Party, FBI informant Angela Calomiris lied about her political allegiances and her sexuality. Read about her life in an excerpt from the new biography, Undercover Girl.

Ho, No, She Didn't

Wendy Ho's raunchy and over-the-top mix of music and comedy has made her a name to know in the New York City performance and club circuit

Woman and her family on the run after starting a brutal gay village brawl

The drunken family beat one man unconscious, gashed a woman across the chest with a broken bottle, and kicked and punched multiple women lying prone on the ground.

Seat Filler October

The Advocate's queen on the New York theater scene discovers killer hermaphrodites, ancient Roman himbos, and enough lesbian drama to fill a seventh season of The L Word.

15 of the Queerest Places to Spend New Year’s

Whether it’s with millions of people or with a few, check out these places to go to have a queer New Year’s Eve.

Samantha Allen Explores the Growing LGBTQ Population in Red States

The author discusses her book, Real Queer America, on the LGBTQ&A podcast.

Discovering New York's 'Gay Bars That Are Gone'

Even before the tragedy in Orlando, New Yorker Michael Ryan knew the importance of LGBT spaces. Ryan tells us about his walking tour of fallen gay bars and clubs, which were all marked with the message "GAY BAR WAS HERE."