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transgender servicemembers

Fox News poll: Voters trust Kamala Harris more than Donald Trump on transgender issues

The poll is the latest evidence that anti-trans attack ads may not help Republicans in 2024.

11 Republican Presidential Hopefuls and Their Awful Anti-LGBTQ+ Records

They outperform each other in their hate toward the LGBTQ+ community.

Trans Group Leaves OutServe-SLDN, Joins SPART*A

The transgender group of OutServe-Servicemembers Legal Defense Network announced Monday that it is cutting ties with the embattled organization, partnering with a new splinter group formed in the wake of a public controversy.

We’re Fighting a New 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' All Over Again

It's been eight years since DADT was repealed, but we're still battling for equality in the military.

NCLR, GLAD File Suit Against Trans Military Ban

Other groups are preparing lawsuits as well.

Cher, Hillary Clinton Blast Trump's Trans Military Ban

Many public figures tweeted their outrage as the discriminatory ban went into effect.

Pentagon-Funded Study Contradicts Trump's Argument for Trans Ban

The study finds broad support among military members for their transgender peers.

Brigadier Bone Spurs Has One Hell of a Nerve

This trans vet has a message for the alleged draft dodger.

Republicans Use Defense Bill to Restrict Abortion, Gender-Affirming Care

GOPers like to say they “support the troops,” but when it comes down to it, they don’t support certain troops.

Biden on DADT Repeal Anniversary: 'A Tremendous Weight Was Lifted'

The repeal, which took effect 10 years ago today, "helped move our nation closer to its foundational promise of equality, dignity, and opportunity for all," Biden said.

Study: Rescind The Ban on Trans Service Members

A study funded by transgender billionaire and military veteran Jennifer Pritzker breaks down the arguments disqualifying trans people from military service.

Could a New Defense Dept. Policy Allow for Open Trans Service?

New policy changes to military regulations within the Department of Defense could allow transgender members to serve in the military, contends a new report from the Palm Center.

Air Force: First to Allow Trans Americans to Serve

Trans Airmen, as well as other troops, may still end up banned from open service as U.S. military's 'patchwork' of policies perpetuates 'unclear guidance.'

Most Americans Support Trans Military Service in New Survey

While Trump has banned many openly transgender people from serving, a majority of Americans do not agree with this stance. 

BREAKING: Pentagon Extends Protections to LGB Troops

Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced the adoption of a policy revision that adds sexual orientation to its Military Equal Opportunity Policy.


Nancy Pelosi Honors Trans Day of Remembrance, Slams Trump's Cruelty

The speaker of the House mourned the dead and reaffirmed Democrats' commitment to transgender equality.

America's Doctors: Transgender Military Ban is Pointless

The American Medical Association weighs in -- against the ban on military service by out transgender Americans.

WATCH: The Airman, The Corporal, and the Trans Military Ban

A new mini-documentary highlights the uncertain state of existence for an estimated 15,500 transgender Americans currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

House Votes to Reverse Trans Military Ban

The House passed an antidiscrimination amendment sponsored by Rep. Jackie Speier (pictured), but the measure will have a tough time getting through the Senate.