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A therapist's tips for coping with concerns with another Trump presidency as an LGBTQ+ person

"It's natural to be pissed off and fearful and defensive. It's about accepting that and finding a way to challenge that," a licensed psychotherapist tells The Advocate.


Family Trauma

When her partner was rushed to the hospital with massive bleeding in the brain from an aneurysm, Janice Langbehn and their three kids weren't allowed to see her until she died

A Raw Tribute to Sexual Trauma Survivors

The short film Everyday, I explores the ways trauma infiltrates the everyday routines of survivors of sexual violence.

How Trauma Increases Suicide Risk in LGBTQ+ Youth

A new study from the Trevor Project documents the high level of trauma experienced by LGBTQ+ youth and how that puts them at risk.

George Takei Offers Advice for Dealing With Trump Trauma

The gay survivor of a Japanese-American internment camp shares his wisdom.

How Fitness Can Help Us Overcome Collective Trauma

The first out trans man to win a gold medal in powerlifting at the Gay Games knows a thing or two about beefing up, and fighting back against your own demons. 

For Many Gay Men, the Current Pandemic Is Triggering HIV/AIDS Trauma

For this writer, 2020 harkens back to 1990.

Las Defensoras 2024: La artista y activista Grag Queen

La cantante, artista drag y presentadora de Drag Race Brasil también lucha por acabar con la terapia de conversión.

Lesbian Veteran Finds Love After Trauma

A new documentary shows how an Iraq War veteran learned to smile again. 

Colton Haynes Shares the Trauma of Being Forced Back Into the Closet

The out actor opened up in an op-ed about arriving in Hollywood as an out and proud queer kid -- but also the hypocritical system that exploited then nearly broke him.

How Out Model Mark Turnipseed Moved Past Heroin and Trauma

This author and wellness advocate shares their story of coming out and addiction ahead of National Suicide Prevention Day.

How 'Star Trek: Discovery' Shows Gay Survival of Violence and Trauma

Wilson Cruz discusses the resilience of his character, Dr. Hugh Culber -- as well as his own.

The Advocates 2024: Artist & activist Grag Queen

The singer, drag artist, and host of Drag Race Brasil is also fighting to end conversion therapy.

Here are 15 books you should read this Pride Month

From books about trans identity to queer history, here are some of the best books to help understand and revel in LGBTQ+ identity and its intersections. What books would you recommend?

Can't Be Converted: Trauma as Therapy in Virginia

Mathew Shurka was told he was gay because of childhood trauma -- and had to "reenact" it whether it was real or not. 

How I navigated through religious trauma

I've spent years grappling with the impact of religion on my identity. How I found solace in nature's splendor as my ultimate spiritual path.

10 Things to Help You Deal With Vicarious Trauma

We can all use some help in dealing with the emotions aroused by Club Q tragedy and other attacks on the LGBTQ+ community.

Whitney Houston and Aaron Hernandez: The Costly Trauma of the Closet

Exploring the role of homophobia and biphobia in the lives of two troubled legends.

In Defense of 'Girl,' the Trans Film Called 'Trauma Porn' by Critics

Ann Thomas, the founder of Transgender Talent, wants the world to see a movie that some have called offensive.