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trump presidency

How Sen. Chris Murphy is changing the Democratic Party and holding Republicans to account

In an interview with The Advocate, Murphy touches on corruption, LGBTQ+ rights, DEI, and why the stakes have never been higher.

Kathy Griffin Is Not Afraid of President Trump

Comedian Kathy Griffin vows to keep making fun of Trump. 

President Trump Drops Pretense, Defends Racism

Donald Trump launched a defense of those he said were merely trying to protest the removal of a statue.

Gays for Trump President Crushed in N.C. House Race

Peter Boykin, who organized sparsely-attended Trump rallies, was soundly defeated in his quest for a seat in North Carolina's legislature.  

Gay Trump Supporters Organizing Rallies for President on Saturday

LGBT supporters of the beleaguered president -- who will be relaxing in Florida this weekend -- will gather in Washington and other cities on Saturday.

"Trump for President" Knife Left for Gay Couple in Tennessee

A gay couple found the note attached to a knife on their front porch Tuesday morning.

Vote Trading Site Aims to Block Trump Presidency

Would you trade your vote to a third-party candidate to stop Trump?

Tips for Surviving a Trump Presidency

A congresswoman tries to assuage the anxieties of her constituents and helps them mobilize for the next four years.

President Trump Responds to Portland Stabbing

Trump released a statement after being criticized for waiting too long to acknowledge the Portland stabbings. 

10 Things to Fear About 'President Trump'

LGBT stars and allies share their fears for marriage equality, women's rights, immigration, and more at Fred and Jason's Halloweenie.

It's official: Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for president again

For the third time in a row, the GOP has chosen the extremist former president to stand for election.

On Neil Gorsuch's Trump Critique, President Blames Messenger

Trump accuses Sen. Richard Blumenthal of misrepresenting the Supreme Court nominee's concerns.

The 'Deplorables' Who Will Continue to Harass Us in a Trump Presidency

We take a look at those who enabled and were enabled by Donald Trump and will continue making our lives miserable.

Nate Silver’s Terrifying Prediction: Prepare for President Trump

Nate Silver and Michael Moore have some dire warnings for those who think Americans are too smart to elect an "idiot."

Trump Announces 2024 Bid for President

Trump was rather low-energy but got in many of his favorite digs.

Trump at Lowest Approval Rating of Presidency

The president's approval rating has bottomed out, according to a new CNN poll.

President-Elect Trump: 'I Will Be President for All Americans'

Which Donald Trump are we to believe? The divisive one who for months has mocked, insulted and ridiculed people, or the one elected president who is now promising unity?

Ben Carson to Endorse Donald Trump for President

Carson will make the announcement Friday, The Washington Post reports.

5 Self-Care Tips for the (Rest of the) Trump Presidency

It's been about a year since the election. Here are five self-care tips for the rest of this God-forsaken nightmare.

Nightmare Is Real: Trump Sworn in as 45th President (Video)

We wish we could wake up from this too.