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united church of christ

What it means for LGBTQ+ Americans to leave — or choose — Christianity

Almost two-thirds of LGBTQ+ people who were raised Christian have left, new data finds. But queer Black Americans have more to leave behind.

Rabbis Join Marriage Equality Fight

A group of American rabbis is joining the United Church of Christ in fighting North Carolina's ban on same-sex marriage.

Obama's activist church enters campaign spotlight

A then-26-year-old Barack Obama walked down the aisle of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, knelt beneath a cross suspended from its rafters, and, as he later explained it, committed himself to God after years as a religious skeptic.

Flying the Pride flag is a gateway to ISIS, a Connecticut official claims as town passes ban

Almost immediately after coming under Republican control, a Connecticut town council has voted to ban the LGBTQ+ Pride flag at its town hall.

Network Rejection

Myles Herman played one half of a gay couple in a television ad that was recently rejected by CBS and NBC. He says the networks misunderstood the message from the United Church of Christ.

Logo explains why it rejected UCC's 'Ejector' ad

Gay cable network Logo released a statement Thursday regarding its controversial decision not to air a pro-gay ad from the United Church of Christ, which depicts a gay couple being ejected from the pew of an antigay church: "[Logo] does not accept advocacy or religious advertising that appears to disparage any organization, denomination, or individual."

UCC approves gay marriage

The UCC leader says his denomination "acted courageously" when it passed a resolution endorsing same-sex marriage

No, a Church Was Not Hosting Same-Sex Wedding When It Caught Fire

Claims by anti-LGBTQ+ social media users have been debunked...repeatedly.

Nation's first full-time gay cable network rejects pro-gay ad

The nation's first full-time gay cable channel has joined a growing list of networks that refuse to show an ad from the United Church of Christ promoting its message of gay inclusiveness.

UCC: If Gay Couples Can't Get Married, Neither Can Straight Couples

It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, you can't get legally married at Lyndale United Church of Christ. The small, liberal church in south Minneapolis was the first of several Twin Cities congregations last year to stop performing civil marriage ceremonies as long as same-sex marriage is illegal. These churches and a handful of others around the country that took the same step will still hold a religious ceremony to bless the unions of straight and gay couples -- but straight couples must go separately to a judge or justice of the peace for the marriage license.

Biblical Basis for Stoning of Gays, Says Tenn. Minister

Homosexuality 'is an abomination that under the Old Testament deserved stoning,' says Pastor Ben Bailey.