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up stairs lounge

Holocaust in New Orleans: Read The Advocate's Original Coverage From 1973

For LGBTQ+ History Month, we remember the victims of the 50-year-old massacre.

New Film Documents Worst Mass Killing of Gay People in U.S. History

Thirty-two people were killed and Upstairs Inferno will be the first to interview a number of the survivors who have been silent all these decades.

Unknown Victim of Deadly 1973 Arson in Gay Bar Finally Identified

Forty-five years after the UpStairs Lounge fire, the largest gay mass murder prior to the Pulse shooting, one of the "unclaimed" victims has finally been ID'd. 

The First Time Edie Windsor Cruised at a Lesbian Bar

The civil rights icon who helped defeat the Defense of Marriage Act gifts us with her posthumous memoir, A Wild and Precious Life, out today. Read a thrilling excerpt below.

Pop a squat

An alternative-universe Jennifer Lopez guides the contestants toward the light on this week's American Idol. A bewildered Dave White translates...

50 Years Ago, the Fire at the Up Stairs Lounge Gay Bar in New Orleans Killed 32

The fire was the deadliest attack on queer people in the U.S. in the 20th century.

New Orleans Pledges to Find Remains of Those Killed in Antigay Arson

The 1973 arson targeting the popular gay bar the UpStairs Lounge was the deadliest anti-LGBTQ+ attack until Pulse in 2016. 

The Stories Behind 4 Gay New Orleans Landmarks

Just in time for Southern Decadence, historian Frank Perez tells us the tales of vibrant gay New Orleans.

My Mother Tried to Stab My Queer Lover With a Steak Knife

Chef Rossi recounts a tale of tough love from her memoir, The Raging Skillet.

Op-Ed: It's Too Soon to Identify the UpStairs Lounge Fire's Unknown

Heated debate among key investigators continues over the identity of a victim of a 46-year-old hate crime.

Book of the Year: Biography Documenting Worst Mass Killing of Gays in U.S. History

Many have still never heard about what happened that night in New Orleans in 1973 -- until now.

Striking Back Over Allegations of Investigative Negligence

Defending my decision to name Larry Frost one of the unidentified victims of the 1973 UpStairs Lounge fire, the largest mass killing of gay people prior to the Pulse massacre.

18 Must-Read LGBT Books We Missed Last Year

Whether it's a closeted lesbian senator, bisexual professors, transgender steelworkers, or a sweet gay couple making ice cream in the Midwest, there's something for everyone on this list.

Cry, Sundance, cry

Week 7 of Dave White's American Idol recap is not about "Feeling Good" at all. It's about getting on camera for bawling your eyes out.