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Your jaw will drop when you see Grindr's top naughty stats for 2024

Move over Spotify... these are the EOY rankings we need.

Trans Women Share Wisdom 'By Us, For Us'

Trans women reverse the trend of seeing "others define and describe us" by sharing their own truths and advice in Letters for My Sisters, available now from Transgress Press.

A Brotherhood for us

Delta Lambda Phi, a social fraternity created by gay men for all men, celebrates its 20th year.

Andrew Scott: harness-wearing hottie

Spank all of us, Daddy Drew! The All of Us Strangers and Ripley actor is making us SWEAT with anticipation.

Cruising Ain't What It Used to Be

The thrill of the hunt may mostly be gone, but at least we have Netflix and chill now.

Namibia overturns anti-sodomy laws

The Court found the laws unfairly targeted gay men.

The Last of Us Explores a Young Queer Romance

It's a sapphic love story about friendship, romance, and loss.

How The Last of Us Did LGBTQ+ Fans Justice

Fans lauded the story of Murray Bartlett and Nick Offerman's romance in the HBO show, which is based on the queer-inclusive video game.

Her Story Explores the Dating Lives of Trans Women

The Advocate sat down with the all-female team behind the first big-budget Web series written, directed by, and starring trans people.

Asexuals Among Us

Author Jesse Bering explains what it's like to be asexual in his new book.

The Black Church's Habit of Using, Abusing Gay Christians

As much as homophobic denominations like Burrell's Church of God in Christ don't want to admit it, righteous gay and bi men are part of their congregations.

U.S. Knocked Out of Women's World Cup, Loses to Sweden

U.S. Knocked Out of Women's World Cup, Loses to Sweden

The Future Is Not in Front of Us, It’s Inside of Us

Human Rights Watch's LGBT Advocacy Director, Boris Dittrich, is leaving to run for the Dutch Senate. He reflects on 11 years of advances.

Are Queer Folks Prepared for the GOP to Use Monkeypox Against Us?

Gay men on Fire Island over the holiday weekend weighed in on stigma, monkeypox, and a history of the right weaponizing health conditions against LGBTQ+ people. 

Stop Calling Us Groomers and Quit Making Us Your Prey

A queer educator reflects on the current attacks on LGBTQ+ people and youth by right-wing pundits and politicians. 

He'll Date Us But Won't Vote to Protect Us

A Goshen City Council candidate says he has done a 'little experimentation' on a gay dating site but still opposes adding LGBT protections to municipal law.

HIV Stops With Us

We can stop HIV in its tracks. Here are some folks doing their part to make that happen.

Op-ed: How to Use Social Media for Good

Some kids use social media for bullying. Others use it for good.